Search results for "ai tasks"

Worldwide IT spending to reach $3.9 trillion in 2021, Gartner forecasts

The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic caused dips in many industries, affecting everything from investments to supply chain as the global population took refuge within the safety of their own homes throughout the majority of 2020. However, many have noted that 2021 will be different, as numerous vaccines have mushroomed all over the world to kickstart the […]

Newzoo’s Games Trends to Watch in 2021

As 2020 is finally drawing to a close, it’s time for us to turn the spotlight onto next year. In terms of trends, 2021 is shaping up to be a hugely positive year for the games market, which will start to return to normalcy after an exceptional growth period. In the coming weeks, we’ll publish […]

Microsoft ousts rivals from CES marquee as show moves online

This week, Microsoft had a big test on its hands — how to help transform the world’s biggest gadget show into an online-only event. The choice of Microsoft to power this year’s CES and create a virtual showcase for its 1,800 exhibitors gave the tech giant a big promotional boost over its best-known cloud computing […]

Edge Computing in the wake of the Pandemic

With the pandemic constantly challenging us to put our best tech forward, we hope to have lived up to the challenge, and maybe even more. COVID-19 really demonstrated how fast we can breathe life into new ideas and technologies that are already proving their value and worth. A significant challenge that the pandemic has brought […]

IoT Impact: The pandemic propeller effect

With the advent of the pandemic, we notice some its laminating effects on technologies that are on the rise. More optimistically, we can begin to see the silver lining COVID-19 has had on technologies – more specifically the positive impact on the Internet of Things (IoT). The year 2020 will set out to be a […]

The weird world of socializing during Covid-19

Once the main method of communication for travelers, long distance couples, and the occasional remote work interviewer, now we all know what it is like to have to stay connected from afar to keep socializing during Covid-19. The widespread availability of communication technology has played an essential role in how we have experienced this pandemic. […]

Post-Covid-19 trends: smarter tomorrow

After several countries successfully managed to mitigate their way through the pandemic, certain trends have emerged that started to manifest in 2020 and that will fully blossom and bloom in 2021 – where said post-COVID-19 trends will materialize. The pandemic has impacted us is almost evert way possible. We now take a micro-inspection at how […]

A changing workforce during Covid: the top trends of 2021

Covid-19 was the major theme throughout 2020. It tested the fortitude of governments, companies, economies, and individuals alike in the face against a radical disruption that heavily touched the way we live our lives on every level. As with any sudden shift in global lifestyle, there have been those who have painfully adapted, while others […]

Saudi Arabia spearheads its digitization efforts

The global COVID-19 pandemic burned through many brick-and-mortar businesses around the world, forcing their hand into making the digital switch to remain afloat as people went into lockdown. Despite economic repercussions, the crisis prompted stronger digitization efforts by private and public sectors; a move praised by Saudi Arabia’s Trade Minister Majid bin Abdullah Al-Qasabi. Al-Qasabi […]

What Digital IDs mean for Telecoms

We have reached a point in our modern society where smartphones and mobile connectivity are essential to perform any task, from the menial to the complex; mobile phones currently represent the device championing digital transformation. Smartphones offer users access to countless services such as banking, insurance, e-commerce, travel, and even transportation, all while laying the […]