Search results for "AI "

AstraZeneca: COVID-19 vaccine 'highly effective' prevention

AstraZeneca said Monday that late stage trials of its COVID-19 vaccine developed with Oxford University were “highly effective” in preventing disease. The results are based on interim analysis of trials in the U.K. and Brazil of the vaccine developed by Oxford University and manufactured by AstraZeneca. No hospitalizations or severe cases of COVID-19 were reported […]

The pandemic accelerates Indian tech adoption to an unprecedented level

Indian tech adoption has been heavily expedited by the pandemic at a rate faster than anything we have seen before. In countries around the world, rural and urban residents alike are fast resorting to communication technology to go about their business while staying safe. Over the past four months, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, […]

Ethiopia: continued commitment to telecoms liberalization

Discussions to end Ethio telecom’s monopoly have been taking place since 2018 but unfortunately, Ethiopia has missed several deadlines to sell a stake in the state-owned company – Ethio Telecom – due to adverse circumstances namely the Covid-19 pandemic. However, it seems that plans to liberalize the telecoms market will continue.  Ethiopia, the second most […]

US-European ocean monitoring satellite launches into orbit

A U.S.-European satellite designed to extend a decades-long measurement of global sea surface heights was launched into Earth orbit from California on Saturday. A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the satellite blasted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 9:17 a.m. and arced southward over the Pacific Ocean. The Falcon’s first stage flew back to […]

FDA authorizes first COVID-19 home testing kit

As the pandemic continues to spread, some countries are hitting new records of Covid-19 cases per day while others go back into total lockdown. Although it may seem like the pandemic is winning, humanity is scoring its own wins. Starting from the two proposed Covid-19 vaccines, to the latest innovation in home testing kits.  Earlier […]

How hackers target pharma and hinder vaccine distribution

If one stops to think about those affected by cyberattacks and malicious online activities, pharmaceutical companies and medical manufacturers are not the first victims that spring to mind. However, all the smoke from the global pandemic and the race for better healthcare and vaccine manufacturing has attracted some unwanted attention as hackers target pharma companies […]

Risk Mitigation: What it is and how to implement it?

One of the major aspects that most businesses tend to put behind their backs is risk management and mitigation. It is a serious matter that cannot be ignored at any cost. Los Angeles IT consulting recommends being proactive about risk management and get started with risk mitigation so that any threat to the business can […]

US safety agency seeks input on autonomous vehicle rules

The U.S. government’s road safety agency is asking for public comment on how it should regulate safe deployment of self-driving vehicles. Seeking public comment is an early step in drawing up possible regulations, but that process takes years and could be changed by the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden. About 60 companies are already […]

Vaccine warriors: Promising clinical results from Moderna and Pfizer

As the pandemic continues to spread across the world, marking a year since the first Covid-19 case, humanity scores its second prominent victory as we rush to find a vaccine to end the current health crisis. Enter American pharma company Moderna, that released results of a key study this week regarding their experimental Covid-19 vaccine. […]

Top UK operators join forces to fight online identity fraud

The UK’s four mobile network operators – EE, O2, Three, and Vodafone – have teamed up in developing a new application that aims to fight online identity fraud. The app, called Number Verify, aims to strengthen consumer safety online and works as a verification software that allows customers to authenticate their user identities through matching […]