Search results for "ai systems"

The Digital Silk Route: Echoes of the Past

Mark Twain, the greatest humorist the US has produced, once said that “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” What’s past is past, but it does come back in a similar but not the same form (i.e., a rhyme). Accordingly, the Digital Silk Route (DSR) is not identical to the traditional silk route, […]

Telecom Events 2022: The Groundwork for a Booming 2023

2022 was a booming year for telecom conventions and events as the world became more comfortable with the new normal set by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, everyone was trying to get back into the swing of things. Throughout 2022, several telecom events brought experts and enthusiasts up to speed on what is going […]

Factbox-Tech Firms, Wall Street Lead Job Cuts in Corporate America

Big Tech firms and Wall Street titans are leading a string of layoffs across corporate America as companies look to rein in costs to ride out the economic downturn. Rapid interest rate hikes, weak consumer demand and an economic slowdown in China have forced firms such as Amazon, Walt Disney, Facebook-owner Meta and American banks […]

Why Does Your Business Need a VPN?

Security for personal data and innovations is vital when starting your own online business. In this scenario, you’ll need to be able to utilize a variety of strategies to maintain cybersecurity, train your staff, and install a reputable VPN. In addition to assisting, you with cybersecurity, a VPN for businesses may provide you access to […]

Cloud Computing: There’s No IoT Without Me

The Internet of Things (IoT) is everywhere, from microchipped pets and cattle to continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices. But these, at times, lifesaving innovations were only possible with the ever-exciting cloud computing technology. Cloud computing has now become the basis of providing shared computing resources, such as applications, computing, storage, networking, development, and more, through […]

What 2022 Held for the Telecom Sector

It would be an understatement to say that the past 12 months have been filled with challenges. Although there were highs and lows in the telecom industry, ultimately, we were all able to succeed. We can’t help but look back on everything as 2022 approaches. Now is the time to reflect on the circumstances that […]

The Path of Big Tech and World Domination

As we hear the argument about tech companies taking over the responsibility of governments, our minds technically travel back to the early days of Covid19 pandemic, when everything suddenly became virtual. This downturn had no alternative, which made every sector reliant on technology. Technology has played a dominant role in implementing government systems on a […]

New Economic ‘Regime’ Challenges Central Bankers to Keep Pace

For roughly 30 years Federal Reserve policymakers and other central bankers enjoyed a world where market interest rates were falling, inflation was low, globalization effectively expanded the supply of labor, and, at the margin, markets for goods and services were becoming more open and stable. Those trends have now been challenged if not upended altogether […]