Search results for "microsoft"

It’s time to start regulating AI from within

This year has been a roller coaster ride for the United States, from the emergence and swift spread of the Covid-19 pandemic to dreadful natural disasters, and the ongoing trade war the U.S. has been waging against China. The main headline that has dominated the news and even shaped the narrative of the U.S. presidential […]

What's holding remote learning back?

The pandemic triggered a shift to remote work that has been relatively smooth due to most modern offices already using an array of communication and collaboration tools. However, the case is not so similar for remote learning. Right now, the best technology at our disposal can’t solve some of the inherent problems of remote learning […]

If Google's a monopoly, who is harmed by its market power?

Google has long defended itself against charges of monopoly by stressing that its products are free and that no one has to use them. And it’s avoided tough government scrutiny for years based in part on the idea that people searching the internet are not Google’s true customers. We’re its product. Advertisers are its real […]

Justice Dept. files landmark antitrust case against Google

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Tuesday sued Google for abusing its dominance in online search and advertising — the government’s most significant attempt to protect competition since its groundbreaking case against Microsoft more than 20 years ago. And it could just be an opening salvo. Other major tech companies including Apple, Amazon and […]

Google, Oracle meet in copyright clash at Supreme Court

Tech giants Google and Oracle are clashing at the Supreme Court in a copyright dispute that’s worth billions and important to the future of software development. The case before the justices Wednesday has to do with Google’s creation of the Android operating system now used on the vast majority of smartphones worldwide. Google says that […]

2020 racks up highest number of cyberattacks to date

In a year where companies far and wide shifted their business to remote operations due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it comes as no surprise that cyberattacks and data breaches have drastically increased during 2020. According to a report published by Kaspersky there have been almost 726 million confirmed cyberattacks since the beginning of the year; […]

5G’s double-edged sword impact on climate change

As the clock ticks closer and closer toward the rollout of 5G worldwide, a new wave of entrepreneurs are frantically thinking of the next multi-billion dollar idea that will drive this rapidly changing era in telecom.   In parallel, many experts from all professions are studying and prepping themselves to integrate 5G within their core business […]

Tech companies and their response to COVID-19

Major tech companies are donating millions of masks from their stockpile, as well as teaming up with hospitals for sharing and analyzing data and offering their computing abilities to help researchers. Tech companies – small and large scale – are acting as crucial respondents during the pandemic. After getting a lot of shade over the […]

Paratus Zambia pioneers 100Gig Metro Fiber Ring for Telco Group

Paratus Zambia has deployed a 100Gig metro fiber ring in Lusaka, which is a first for the pan-African telecommunications Group. In addition to delivering Data Center solutions, the enterprise network will now also provide robust business fiber services, that guarantees uptime and  quality connectivity. The capabilities of the fiber ring are unsurpassed, as it utilizes […]

Quest: smart home healthcare project receives funding

The University of Glasgow has received £5.5 m in new funding from the UK government for the Healthcare Quest project that will tackle the use of smart home technology to support independent living for elderly and disabled people. The money comes as part of a £32 m funding package announced by the Engineering and Physical […]