Search results for "wearable devices "

Myth busting: Are contactless payments safe?

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us more inclined toward digital payments, shying away from the exchange of hard currency due to our newfound hygiene awareness; it is here that contactless payments have quickly become the new norm. In Europe, Germans are increasingly ditching cash for hygiene reasons, according to Initiative Deutsche Zahlungssysteme e.V, a payment […]

Farouk Tabbal, eSIM Product Manager at Monty Mobile

Tell us more about Monty Mobile’s GSMA-accredited consumer eSIM RSP platform? Monty Mobile instant connectivity platform provides over-the-air capabilities to manage subscriptions on consumer devices that are eSIM supported. It is an essential platform to digitalize the end-user journey. There are a growing number of providers; 200 MNOs have already adopted the eSIM technology while […]

IoT and data-driven FinTech look to rock finance to its core

As the Covid-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on businesses, countries, and global economies alike, bringing projects, funding, conferences, and travel to a screeching halt, the tech industry prospered and skyrocketed upwards. Digitization filled the air with everything from education, grocery shopping to remote working from home. The financial services industry, although under extreme pressure to meet […]

Fitbit makes great strides in early COVID-19 detection technology

Fitbit has been selected by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command to receive a grant of around $2.5 million to advance their research on an early COVID-19 detection algorithm, with data collected through wearable fitness devices. The success of this research and others like it would be a game changer for the fight […]

eSIMs will prove to be the biggest enabler for mass IoT

Years from now, 2020 will be remembered as the year that challenged the norm set forth by humanity for decades. Reality was altered, people were pushed indoors in attempts to shield themselves from the tidal spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. But while people took refuge indoors and economies were tested, the technology field prospered and […]

How IoT and 5G will leap humanity into the future

The Internet of Things (IoT) is on rise. Connected devices are set to increase from 700 million to 3.2 billion by 2023, according to numbers by titan telecom manufacturer, Huawei. And with it comes endless technological possibilities that will rock modern society as we know it. This is great news for the IoT market, as […]

TraceTogether - Singapore’s latest effort in contact tracing

Singapore’s latest innovation, TraceTogether Tokens, is the country’s latest effort to battle coronavirus but has also stirred up some privacy issues. The wearable device is a supplement to the current contact-tracing app and identifies individuals who might be infected by those who already test positive for COVID-19. All that users have to do is carry […]

What Covid-19 means for future medical technology

Future medical technology is nowhere near floatation tubes or de-aging machines. What the world is seeing however, is a shift towards the beginnings of technologies unearthed by the ongoing pandemic that could act as seeds for more radical innovations later on. As some countries attempt to ease certain areas of the lockdown to pump some […]

What Covid-19 means for future medical technology

Future medical technology is nowhere near floatation tubes or de-aging machines. What the world is seeing however, is a shift towards the beginnings of technologies unearthed by the ongoing pandemic that could act as seeds for more radical innovations later on. As some countries attempt to ease certain areas of the lockdown to pump some […]