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Ensuring Fairness and Inclusivity in Advanced AI Systems 

The potential benefits and risks associated with the use of Advanced AI systems in decision-making processes.  Imagine you live in a world where decisions about your job, your finances, and even your freedom, are made by machines. These machines, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), can learn, and make decisions without human intervention. But can we […]

The US President Can’t Access Much Tech 

US Presidents are restricted in their use of personal technology, with security concerns requiring the Secret Service to be informed of any new advances.  ————  The President of the United States of America is one of the most powerful figures globally. You’d think the leader of one of the most powerful countries would have unlimited […]

Is Nuclear Fusion the Future of Sustainable Energy? 

This article discusses the motivations behind the push for nuclear power, despite its significant risks and dangers. While nuclear power is viewed as a promising source of clean, safe, and future of sustainable energy, nuclear fusion remains a controversial technology.  Have you ever wondered why, despite its dangers and risks, nuclear power continues to be […]

AI in Cloud Management 

The ethical implications of AI in cloud management are significant and complex. One of the main concerns is the potential for bias in AI algorithms. Which could result in discrimination or unfair treatment of certain individuals or groups.   Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world of technology by automating and enhancing process efficiency. Regarding cloud […]

Understanding the New Twitter Checkmarks 

Twitter recently introduced a revamped new Twitter checkmarks , referred to as the “Twitter Blue Check Verification.” The process enables users to apply for the coveted blue checkmark next to their name, indicating their account is authentic and belongs to a public figure, celebrity, or brand. In the new system,   Everyone is getting verified. It is […]