Apple Controlling the Innovation Narrative as Usual

Apple has long been known for its iterative approach to product development, continuously refining and enhancing its devices with each new iteration. As the highly anticipated iPhone 15 Pro Max is on the horizon, how will this approach influence its sales in the fiercely competitive smartphone market?  The Iterative Approach: Building on Success  Apple’s iterative […]

iOS vs Android Developers: Security or Freedom 

If you are an aspiring app or software developer, you will undoubtably come across a fork in your career path early on: What is it that iOS vs Android developers do that is so different, and which career path is better?  iOS vs Android Development: Considering your Choice  When making the choice between becoming an […]

Apple's iOS 16 New Features 

  The rollout of the eagerly anticipated iPhone series is here. Apple is preparing its users for the transition by releasing the newest iOS 16. It might be the most exciting iOS update Apple has ever given us. Loads of new features, soon to be iconic and most probably copied by various phone manufacturers. Here […]

iPhone 14 Pro Leaked: What We Know Thus Far

Apple enthusiasts, lovers, and devoted supporters, such as myself, the time has finally come to that time of the year when the Big Tech software developer uncovers the veil off of its latest iPhone. This year, the iPhone 14 Pro models, same as their predecessors, are highly anticipated. Yet things are slightly different with this […]