The good old days are back with Gmail's Select All feature for Android, the users’ most beloved old feature.
Google is updating its browser security on desktop with a feature called Safety Check. It is designed to help users address security issues.
Samsung Electronics and Tesla collaboration in 2024 brings smart home energy management to the SmartThings users.
Researchers at the University of Tokyo used the large language model, GPT-4 to control a humanoid robot, by using text prompts.
Do you have your new Apple or Beats wireless headphones? If yes, does it sound different on Apple Music? The problem lies with Apple Music.
This first week of January was, amongst other things, notable for the official inclusion of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Ethiopia and Iran into the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa consortium known as BRICS. This puts the ink into the agreement pencilled in Johannesburg last year. Not to put a damper on things, but […]
Meta is working on three new upcoming WhatsApp features in 2024. It seems that WhatsApp is not holding back in updating its platform.
WhatsApp new privacy features allows the users to connect with each other without sharing phone numbers only by using their chosen nicknames.
Researchers are working on a type of brain-inspired computing that mimics the brain’s functions by using special magnets.
Hilke Schellmann dived into the world of HR technology to understand the process of using different AI-driven tools in the hiring process.