Intelligent Tech

The Dubai IoT Plan of the Future

A pioneering vision to promote satisfaction for all residents of Dubai through a continuous commitment to innovation driven by the endless possibilities delivered by the Internet of Things (IoT). Dubai’s IoT plan for the future is directing the city on an accelerated progressive path to realizing unprecedented advancements in the quality of life, service efficiency, frictionless experiences, […]

Who Created the Term Artificial Intelligence?

The first thing that might pop up in mind when hearing the term AI might be Sci-FI movies and shiny robots living side by side with humanity. Still, the history of artificial intelligence can be traced back to ancient classical philosophers pondering human thinking and its symbolic system. Yet achieving high concepts of AI wasn’t […]

Midjourney AI: Discord-based AI Art Generator 

Artificially intelligent internet bots can now produce extremely realistic-looking photographs almost instantly, with the best contender in the space being Midjourney AI.   AI and intelligent software have advanced recently, particularly in the areas of art, design, and photography. Even Google is working on a cutting-edge AI system that can produce hyper-realistic graphics using only simple […]

How Can a DevOps Team Take Advantage of AI 

The phrases development and operations are combined to produce the term “DevOps,” which refers to a cooperative or shared approach to the duties carried out by a company’s application development and IT operations teams. With the ubiquitous use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) nowadays, how can a DevOps team take advantage of […]

Japan May Force Big Tech Companies to Disclose Their Algorithms

Big tech companies such as Meta (Facebook), Google, Amazon, Twitter, and others have always tried to keep their algorithms close to their hearts. At the end of the day, these long stretches of code are main contributors to the company’s revenue streams. Whether it is in marketing, advertisement selection, recommendation, search optimization, or other functionalities, […]

The Use of AI as a Biometric Age Verification Tool

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) hasn’t stopped surprising us. As AI algorithms are evolving towards the ultimate target of mimicking the learning process in the human brain, increasingly sophisticated applications are emerging. Lengthy procedures, complex operations, and data-intensive decision-making problems are gradually being replaced by AI-based automated paradigms that try to learn from the […]

How AI Can Take Businesses to the Next Level

Data is undoubtedly the central player in today’s business world. The different markets have reached a level of competitiveness that companies have been looking for the killer idea or even the best understanding of the market that will provide it with a competitive edge. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral component in the operations […]

Google Engineer Suspended over Reporting Company's LaMDA AI Chatbot to be Sentient

According to The Washington Post, Blake Lemoine, a member of Google’s Responsible AI organization, started speaking with LaMDA, Language Model for Dialogue Applications, as part of his job. He had agreed to participate in the experiment to see if the AI used hateful or discriminating language but came to a disturbing conclusion after sharing his conversation […]

Advantages of Speech Recognition in Language Learning: When Benefits Go Beyond Literacy  

While the world is still exploring the beneficial effects of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, speech recognition is considered to be one of the pillars for some time now. Machine learning has been studied extensively in optimizing speech recognition for a variety of applications. Teaching and learning, auto-dictation, speech to text transcription and […]

Using AI to Control Plasmas for Nuclear Fusion

The United Nations has placed the availability of clean and affordable energy among its priorities through sustainable development goal (SDG) 7. Nuclear energy is seen as one of the best alternatives to meeting this SDG. A report by the international atomic energy agency (IAEA) highlights the main attractive features of nuclear energy including low carbon […]