
WhatsApp’s new privacy policy: Give us your data or delete the app

In a controversial move, popular instant messaging app WhatsApp have changed their privacy policy to allow Facebook – its parent company – to forcefully collect private user data such as phone numbers, payment info, location, and more. Users who refuse to comply with the updated policy – that will come into effect as of February […]

A changing workforce during Covid: the top trends of 2021

Covid-19 was the major theme throughout 2020. It tested the fortitude of governments, companies, economies, and individuals alike in the face against a radical disruption that heavily touched the way we live our lives on every level. As with any sudden shift in global lifestyle, there have been those who have painfully adapted, while others […]

STC, Alibaba Group announce cloud services deal

State-owned Saudi Telecom Company (STC) announced a $500 million partnership deal with venture capital fund eWTP Arabia Capital, and Alibaba Cloud to provide high-performance public cloud services in the Kingdom. Alibaba Cloud, which is the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group, considers KSA as a strategic market for its operations in the GCC […]

The case for net neutrality

Humankind is slowly transcending into a new reality ushered in by the tidal wave of technological advancements that are developing on a day-to-day basis. The fifth generation of mobile networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), etc.…; these techs and their acronyms could easily fill an entire […]

Saudi Arabia spearheads its digitization efforts

The global COVID-19 pandemic burned through many brick-and-mortar businesses around the world, forcing their hand into making the digital switch to remain afloat as people went into lockdown. Despite economic repercussions, the crisis prompted stronger digitization efforts by private and public sectors; a move praised by Saudi Arabia’s Trade Minister Majid bin Abdullah Al-Qasabi. Al-Qasabi […]

Video Conferencing apps likely to stay post-COVID

During 2020, millions of the world’s employees and students were forced to work and study from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, rediscovering one of the most consistently frustrating forms of modern technology: video conferencing apps. In the comfort of their own homes, from couches, recliners, beds and kitchen tables, people across the world have fired […]

Latin America’s e-commerce industry booms during pandemic

The worldwide retail industry experienced soaring highs and profound lows during 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic forced people all over the world to remain homebound for the greater part of the year, forcing retailers and brick-and-mortar stores to close their shops, slashing companies’ bottom lines. However, the silver lining of this global phenomenon was the highs […]

AI in education: bringing schools into the digital age

For the last decade, the education industry has dabbled with emerging technologies in the hopes of slowly integrating them within their educational models. However, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic took the sector from carefully dipping their toes into the technological stream and threw it headfirst into an unplanned experiment of online education to hold the fort. […]

​​Indian businesses top charts for AI adoption

While the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world to a screeching halt, it has simultaneously accelerated the development and adoption of many technologies to mainstream use to lift the burden of our remote functionality. According to a new report by PwC, businesses around the world – particularly in India – have begun integrating various […]

Harnessing the power of Big Data

In today’s digital economy, data is king of the hill. Data has transformed into valuable capital that fuels the production of digital goods and services. Just as automakers can’t manufacture new vehicle models without the necessary financial capital, it can’t make its cars autonomous if it lacks the data to feed the onboard algorithms. Data […]