Russian authorities on Thursday ordered Facebook and the messaging app Telegram to pay steep fines for failing to remove banned content, a move that could be part of growing government efforts to tighten control over social media platforms amid political dissent. A Moscow court fined Facebook a total of 17 million rubles (roughly $236,000) and […]
Do you own an Amazon smart device? If so, odds are good that the company is already sharing your internet connection with your neighbors unless you’ve specifically told it not to. On Tuesday, the company launched a program that forces users of many Echo smart speakers and Ring security cameras to automatically share a small […]
Food security is the one thing at the center of societal stability. Our entire species would not be where it is now if not for past advancements in food production that allowed societies to shift their attention to other aspects of life like art, technology, and education. In our world with a population of around […]
An outage at a little-known firm that speeds up access to websites knocked a lot of top internet destinations offline on Tuesday, disrupting business and leisure for untold millions globally. The problem was quickly resolved. The company, Fastly, blamed a configuration error in its technology. But the incident — Fastly’s traffic dropped 75% for about […]
Intelligence is a hard thing to define. You have street smarts, book smarts, and the ever-present colloquial term emotional intelligence, and of course the dreaded intelligence quotient or IQ. However, we must place a marker somewhere to establish what we are talking about. For the sake of not exceeding a word count of ten thousand […]
Apple kicked off its second annual all-virtual developer conference with a keynote that outlined new updates to its software for iPhones and other devices. The presentation highlighted more privacy options for paid iCloud accounts and a “Find My” service that helps find errant AirPods, but included no major product announcements. The latest renovations in Apple’s […]
Facebook announced Friday that former President Donald Trump’s accounts will be suspended for two years, freezing his presence on the social network until early 2023, following a finding that Trump stoked violence ahead of the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol. At the end of the suspension, the company will assess whether Trump’s “risk […]
The smartphones market has witnessed major shifts in the span of merely a decade, players have shot up and disappeared, while other brands persisted based on their ability to quickly adapt to the ever-changing needs and wants of the market. Competition between smartphone brands has narrowed down to two main players: iOS and Android. And […]
Twitter is rolling out a subscription service, starting in Canada and Australia, that offers perks like an undo button for subscribers. The “Twitter Blue” subscription service will offer features that users have long asked for — but still no edit button. It includes bookmark folders for organizing saved content; an “Undo tweet” feature that gives […]
The European Union unveiled plans Thursday for a digital ID wallet that residents could use to access services across the 27-nation bloc, part of a post-pandemic recovery strategy that involves accelerating the shift to an online world. The European Digital Identity Wallet proposed by the EU’s executive commission is a smartphone app that would let […]