Product Review

Best Portable Electronic Chargers for Digital Nomads

As a digital nomad, no one knows better than you about your equipment needs, as they highly depend on the location you chose to temporarily set up shop. It would be best if you treat your equipment as investments: some may not be cheap, but you are guaranteed better quality. Hence, excellent portable electronic chargers […]

The New Acer Swift Edge: Light as a Feather

Founded in 1976, Acer is a Taiwanese multinational corporation that generally deals with hardware and electronics, specifically advanced electronics technology. Its products are known to be durable, withstanding the test of time and human handling. Back in early October 2022, Acer released its new Acer Swift Edge. They designed it to be the perfect device […]

Google Pixel Tablet Vs. iPad: How the Tables Have Turned

Since the beginning, Samsung and Apple have been pitted against one another. In recent years, however, Google has joined the fight partly due to its innovative approaches. The company is going toe to toe with Apple through Google Pixel Tablet. The globe is waiting with bated breath to see how Google Pixel Tablet Vs. iPad […]

The Google Pixel 7 Series Overview

Google Unveiled the Pixel 7 series alongside the Pixel watch earlier this month. While it kept a lot of the design elements of the previous Pixel 6 series, it did refine it. The design was divisive, but google did not change much. This time around, and as always, google wants to fight with the iPhone […]