Search results for "dating"

Rural Telecommunications: Overcoming Obstacles to Development

The digital divide is this era’s class division; those who have access to telecom services and those who don’t. There’s much to be said about how the African telcos have placed the continent on the global stage. But one thing is for sure, telecom companies in Africa can and will bridge the digital divide between […]

Building a Strong Defense of Data Security for Telecommunications

In this digital age, telecommunication has become an integral part of our lives. People are constantly worried about their data privacy when they access a program or smartphone. Cyber-attacks can happen to anyone using technology, including telecommunication companies. Cybercriminals are developing new and sophisticated methods to breach data security and steal sensitive information as technology […]

The Digital Silk Route: Echoes of the Past

Mark Twain, the greatest humorist the US has produced, once said that “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” What’s past is past, but it does come back in a similar but not the same form (i.e., a rhyme). Accordingly, the Digital Silk Route (DSR) is not identical to the traditional silk route, […]

Scientists Chip Away at How Ancient Roman Concrete Stood Test of Time

The ancient Romans were brilliant engineers and builders, creating a dazzling array of magnificent structures including some that have survived to modern times virtually intact like the domed Pantheon in Rome. An indispensable material for the Romans was a form of concrete they developed that is known for remarkable durability and longevity, though its exact […]

Is There a Case for the Creation of A New Generation Telco?

Although the industry has never stood still, it has also been simple to implement quick or significant changes within major organizations that use tried-and-true business models and expensive infrastructure to serve hundreds of millions of clients. Telcos must make crucial choices about handling these and other transitions while having time to stay one step ahead. […]

Verizon vs AT&T: The U.S. Telecoms War

The telecoms industry has been one of the most profitable for centuries. In some corners of the world, there are ongoing battles over the markets, such as Verizon vs AT&T. In the U.S., only a handful of telcos have decent coverage. As a result, these companies have almost monopolized the markets and set the most […]