Search results for "technical challenge"

Virtual Worlds Need Virtual Bodies: Digital Avatar in the Metaverse

By now you probably know, at least vaguely, what the Metaverse refers to. A persistent 3D world of 3D worlds interconnected via the internet, verified and established on the blockchain. Interacting on the blockchain means your identity is singular, unique, and unchangeable, except by you. So, in this virtual world, you will, of course, need […]

Innovation & Security: Here’s How CSPs Can Successfully Implement New Functions Despite Old Systems and Ongoing Operation

The telco industry is developing rapidly. For example, key topics that the TM Forum has identified and discussed for 2022 are end-to-end orchestrated flows for 5G; MEC and mobile private networks; and the telecommunications provider as platform operator. Even this excerpt from the list of current trend topics makes it clear that technology plays a […]

Global Health Technology Platform - Proximie - Announces Partnership With Vodafone Business To Increase Access To Surgical Healthcare And Training

January 11, 2022: Proximie, the global health technology platform digitizing operating rooms around the world, announces a partnership with Vodafone Business. As part of Proximie’s mission to save lives by sharing the world’s best clinical practices, the new partnership will build on the existing relationship between the two companies bringing its world-class connected surgical care software together […]

EXPLAINER: The security flaw that's freaked out the internet

Security pros say it’s one of the worst computer vulnerabilities they’ve ever seen. They say state-backed Chinese and Iranian hackers and rogue cryptocurrency miners have already seized on it. The Department of Homeland Security is sounding a dire alarm, ordering federal agencies to urgently eliminate the bug because it’s so easily exploitable — and telling […]

Africa internet riches plundered, contested by China broker

Outsiders have long profited from Africa’s riches of gold, diamonds, and even people. Digital resources have proven no different. Millions of internet addresses assigned to Africa have been waylaid, some fraudulently, including through insider machinations linked to a former top employee of the nonprofit that assigns the continent’s addresses. Instead of serving Africa’s internet development, many […]

British computing inventor Clive Sinclair dies at 81

Clive Sinclair, the British inventor and entrepreneur who arguably did more than anyone else to inspire a whole generation of children into a life-long passion for computers and gaming, has died. He was 81. Sinclair, who rose to prominence in the early 1980s with a series of affordable home computers that offered millions their first […]

Firm hacked to spread ransomware had previous security flaws

For 21 years, the software company Kaseya labored in relative obscurity — at least until cybercriminals exploited it in early July for a massive ransomware attack that snarled businesses around the world and escalated U.S.-Russia diplomatic tensions. But it turns out that the recent hack wasn’t the first major cybersecurity problem to hit the Miami-based […]

The New Role of the Telco CIO as a Driver of Composable Business

The COVID-19 crisis has revealed weak points in telcos that have not been (sufficiently) addressed for many years now. Today, telco customers expect providers to offer digital service on the same level to which they have become accustomed from other services and platforms in everyday experience. This is another wake-up call to speed up the […]