Search results for "Intel"

5G Spectrum Auction in India: Here’s How it Panned Out

Since the introduction of first-generation mobile services, which could only carry voice calls, mobile networks have significantly developed. The fourth generation of mobile networks is capable of handling faster data rates. However, a newer generation of mobile networks is required due to the shifting connectivity requirements, increasing mobile data traffic, and a new class of […]

Use of Cybersecurity in Telecom Industries

One of the main elements that ensure interconnectivity in the world is the telecom industry and the permanent telecommunications solutions given by knights of such industry. The telecommunications sector guarantees an intertwining between private communications and business interactions, making it an integral element of everyone’s day-to-day activities, be it through our smartphone and their connection […]

Improving Data Sharing with Blockchain

Blockchain Revolutionizing Data Sharing In the era of big data and artificial intelligence, sharing data is inevitable and even a prerequisite for business innovations and scientific breakthroughs. Yet, concern over data privacy is growing by the day as we lack of secure data-sharing solutions. Meanwhile, decentralized data-sharing platforms, mainly Blockchain, are being leveraged to add […]

Driverless Cars in Dubai are Coming Sooner than Expected

In the coming decade, Dubai’s transportation will undergo a significant change. Driverless cars in Dubai will soon become a common reality, and transportation is poised to undergo a revolution brought on by autonomous vehicles and other types of vehicles. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a leader in research and development (R&D) and technology, has taken […]

CurateDAO Introduces Curate-to-Earn Web3 Platform 

After the popularity of move-to-earn (M2E) and play-to-earn (P2E) gaming spread in 2021, thanks to STEPN (GMT) and Axie Infinity (AXS), another iteration of the “to earn” concept debuts in the form of CurateDAO’s Curate-to-Earn platform.  The CurateDAO team announced to Cointelegraph that they have launched a database platform resembling Pinterest on the Avalanche (AVAX) […]

Midjourney AI: Discord-based AI Art Generator 

Artificially intelligent internet bots can now produce extremely realistic-looking photographs almost instantly, with the best contender in the space being Midjourney AI.   AI and intelligent software have advanced recently, particularly in the areas of art, design, and photography. Even Google is working on a cutting-edge AI system that can produce hyper-realistic graphics using only simple […]

Biden Signs Bill to Boost U.S. Chips, Compete with China

President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed a landmark bill to boost U.S. chips and provide $52.7 billion in subsidies for U.S. semiconductor production and research and to boost efforts to make the United States more competitive with China’s science and technology efforts. “The future is going to be made in America,” Biden said, calling the […]

Baidu Bags China's First Fully Driverless Robotaxi Licenses

China search engine giant Baidu Inc said on Monday it has obtained permits to operate fully driverless robotaxi services on open roads from two Chinese cities, the first of their kind in the country. The permits, awarded by the southwestern municipality of Chongqing and the central city of Wuhan, allow commercial robotaxis to offer rides […]

Post Quantum Crypto Algorithms: Fortifying the Future

As we know by now, quantum computing is set to change the dynamics in terms of the global technological revolution and modernization of computing power. A technological colossal that is set to change how information is encrypted and data are processed. Quantum computing is not something that is easily comprehended, and the science behind it […]