Search results for "ai systems"

Turkey unveils space program including 2023 moon mission

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan unveiled an ambitious 10-year space program for his country Tuesday that includes missions to the moon, sending Turkish astronauts into space and developing internationally viable satellite systems. Erdogan announced the program, seen as part of his vision for placing Turkey in expanded regional and global role, during a live televised […]

UN experts: North Korea using cyber attacks to update nukes

North Korea has modernized its nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles by flaunting United Nations sanctions, using cyberattacks to help finance its programs and continuing to seek material and technology overseas for its arsenal, U.N. experts said. The panel of experts monitoring sanctions on the Northeast Asian nation said in a report sent to Security Council […]

Fourteen services for CSPs to look for in an open marketplace

“Open” and “Innovation” unfortunately have been transformed into widely used buzzwords that are likely to generate eye rolls from Communications Service providers (CSPs) who are repeatedly bombarded with marketing messages that are hard to decipher. Open and Innovation in name alone do not address the challenges and opportunities CPSs face every day. According on one […]

Fight The Man: What GameStop's surge says about online mobs

It’s a fable for our times: Small-time investors band together to take down greedy Wall Street hedge funds using the stock of a troubled video-game store. But the revolt of online stock-traders suggests much more. The internet is shifting society’s balance of power in unanticipated ways. And the same tools that empower the little guy […]

“Long-COVID” imaging tech receives UK approval

As the world is still dealing with the effects of the novel COVID-19 virus, many who have contracted and recovered from the disease are still experiencing ongoing symptoms months later. Described as “Long-COVID,” a large study – which hasn’t been peer reviewed – conducted by Patient Led Research – a group of long COVID patients […]

Five 2021 trends that will carry on into the future

The year 2020 hit us pretty hard and fast, with most of the year spent adapting and adjusting to new realities. But in 2021, people will be looking beyond just living through the pandemic, but to take back their lives in some manner. Here are five things we learned in 2020 on a path of […]

Google CEO pledges $150 million in COVID-19 Fight

Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced early last week on Twitter that the U.S.-based tech mammoth Google will be “providing more than $150 million to promote vaccine education and equitable distribution and making it easier to find locally relevant information.” Pichai also added that Google spaces were to serve as vaccination sites. The search engine exec […]

Honor distances itself from Huawei in new brand strategy

Budget Chinese phone maker, Honor, outlined late last week its new brand strategy as it kicks off the year as a fully independent company, aiming to broaden its scope onto various other technologies. During a livestreamed event, George Zhao, CEO of Honor Device Co., Ltd unveiled a slate of new products for 2021, including the […]

Newzoo’s Games Trends to Watch in 2021

As 2020 is finally drawing to a close, it’s time for us to turn the spotlight onto next year. In terms of trends, 2021 is shaping up to be a hugely positive year for the games market, which will start to return to normalcy after an exceptional growth period. In the coming weeks, we’ll publish […]

Cybersecurity firm: Booting hackers a complex chore

Efforts to assess the impact of a more than seven-month-old cyberespionage campaign blamed on Russia — and boot the intruders — remain in their early stages, says the cybersecurity firm that discovered the attack. The hack has badly shaken the U.S. government and private sector. The firm, FireEye, released a tool and a white paper […]