Search results for "ai systems"

Smart Homes: Tech making our indoor time friendlier

As people around the world have been locked away behind the walls of their homes, an enhanced focus has been placed to perfecting everything on the inside to maximize levels of comfort and productivity needed on a daily basis. The pandemic has forced us into a new reality where we look toward at new avenues […]

New Zealand central bank says data system hacked

New Zealand’s central bank said Sunday that one of its data systems has been breached by an unidentified hacker who potentially accessed commercially and personally sensitive information. A third party file sharing service used by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand to share and store sensitive information had been illegally accessed, the Wellington-based bank said […]

Edge Computing in the wake of the Pandemic

With the pandemic constantly challenging us to put our best tech forward, we hope to have lived up to the challenge, and maybe even more. COVID-19 really demonstrated how fast we can breathe life into new ideas and technologies that are already proving their value and worth. A significant challenge that the pandemic has brought […]

Digital health: a crop worth tending for telcos worldwide

Even as the demand for consistent high-quality connectivity continues to rise as the pandemic has us jumping in and out of lockdowns, telcos have been looking to expand their revenue streams. Their desire to diversify their revenue streams beyond simple utilities has led to an explosion of services, where digital health has presented itself as […]

IoT Impact: The pandemic propeller effect

With the advent of the pandemic, we notice some its laminating effects on technologies that are on the rise. More optimistically, we can begin to see the silver lining COVID-19 has had on technologies – more specifically the positive impact on the Internet of Things (IoT). The year 2020 will set out to be a […]

Telecom Egypt, Google strike network infrastructure deal

Telecom Egypt has struck a deal with Google to provide it with a first-of-its-kind layer three meshed solution on its redundant and resilient Egypt-crossing network infrastructure. In parallel, Google will also be given capacity on Telecom Egypt’s Mediterranean submarine cable, TE North. According to the operator, which is the country’s first integrated telecom operator and […]

Post-pandemic IT strategy; comfort, productivity, security

While almost all industries where rattled by the advent of the pandemic – a commonality that they all shared was just how crucial tech is right now, and how it has acted as an enabler in 2020. These strides in tech where what allowed companies to continue operations throughout lockdowns and enabled staff to work […]

Justice Department, federal court system hit by Russian hack

The Justice Department and the federal court system disclosed on Wednesday that they were among the dozens of U.S. government agencies and private businesses compromised by a massive, months-long cyberespionage campaign that U.S. officials have linked to elite Russia hackers. The extent of the damage was unclear. The department said that 3% of its Microsoft […]

US: Hack of federal agencies 'likely Russian in origin'

Top national security agencies confirmed Tuesday that Russia was likely responsible for a massive hack of U.S. government departments and corporations, rejecting President Donald Trump’s claim that China might be to blame. The rare joint statement represented the U.S. government’s first formal attempt to assign responsibility for the breaches at multiple agencies and to assign […]

Global telecoms industry lost $43 billion in 2020

While people, companies, and governments around the world leaned on connectivity to keep the lights on, many expected that the global telecoms industry would be riding high and mighty during one of the hardest years humanity has ever faced. Contrary to that, the reality of the situation is much bleaker than many could imagine. Telcos […]