Search results for "ai systems"

Digitalization becomes make or break for companies in 2021

If there’s anything that the COVID-19 pandemic showcased, it’s the soaring weaknesses that have been swept under the rug by individuals, governments, and businesses for too long. COVID-19’s reach touched many aspects in our everyday lives, from personal medicine, to our understanding of the global economy; changes need to be made, and fast, especially for […]

As hospitals cope with a COVID-19 surge, cyber threats loom

By late morning on Oct. 28, staff at the University of Vermont Medical Center noticed the hospital’s phone system wasn’t working. Then the internet went down, and the Burlington-based center’s technical infrastructure with it. Employees lost access to databases, digital health records, scheduling systems and other online tools they rely on for patient care. Administrators […]

IoT: Tackling the global challenge of food waste

According to the Global Food Losses and Food Waste study, approximately 1.3 billion tons of food produced for human consumption gets lost or wasted per year. When such unfathomable quantities are discarded of in spite of global malnutrition and hunger, we realize the urgency of attaining a sustainable food saving solution. Emerging technologies like AI […]

Germany resists U.S.-fueled Huawei ban

Huawei will remain part of Germany’s future 5G network, reports German business daily Handelsblatt, as the battle for government consensus on telecoms national security has edged in favor of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s favor for close trade relations with China. As reported, the draft bill looks to tighten security measures and protocols on all telecom vendors […]

From tangible to intangible: The impact of digital IDs

Technology has made it a point to transform the tangible into the intangible. Online banking services and the rise of Fintech is slowly making our economies cashless, the Internet of Things (IoT) is giving us easier, and more seamless control over the every day items around us, and artificial intelligence (AI) has allowed a few […]

5G enables university students to carry out remote lab work using pioneering remote robotics

• Huge potential for commercial applications across manufacturing, healthcare and other industries that are normally reliant on physical human intervention• Testbed mobile network funded by £1.6m from The Scotland 5G Centre• One of the first demonstration of remote robotics in higher education Scotland is making substantial progress in developing much-needed applications using 5G technology, according […]

The multi-cloud adoption boom

As the rapid advancements in tech continue – fueled by the current pandemic – we find ourselves stretching our limits and breaking boundaries. An important area that has gained significant traction this year is cloud computing, and more specifically, multi-cloud adoption. What is multi-cloud?  For those of you who are not familiar with the concept, […]

Wearable tech: sales on the rise in India

Wearable technology has been silently on the rise in every part of the world, as the prospects of the Internet of Things (IoT) grow by the day. One of the main reasons for this emerging trend is the growing need for people to remain connected, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic since these gadgets affect and […]

Why GovTech adoption during COVID-19 is a must

GovTech is a new term that refers to the modernization and/or digitization of government services for better accessibility and efficiency of public services. A mouth full, but this suggests a need for governments to do what the private sector has been doing from the start: embrace and incorporate industry 4.0 technology. However, to do so […]

Telecom operators and reducing customer churn

Telecom operators usually consider two main factors in their plan to maintain and increase their business revenue. The first factor is the act of acquisition where companies are more focused on acquiring new subscribers to use the service being offered by the telco. The second factor is the act of retention whereby the goal is […]