Search results for "us government "

Google’s wielded location data goes to Geofence warrants

As a prologue to the search engine’s plans to conjointly work with the government, Google announced on Thursday that it received around 20,000 geofence warrants from U.S. authorities, portraying a conceptualization on how these warrants are wielded into the system. Geofence warrants, or as alternatively referred to as reverse-location warrants, are a controversial modern concept. […]

China-U.S. cold tech war spills over to Japan’s chip shortage

Japan’s global chip manufacturing thrown is finally usurped as it fears U.S.’s tactics of pouring billions of dollars to deflect from China’s overtake of Japan’s semiconductor industry. The time has come, after three long decades overwhelmed with success in the chip manufacturing industry, Japan’s industry ministry announced that the nation’s share of the world’s chip […]

Moscow court fines Google for controversial material

A Moscow court penalized on Tuesday Alphabet Inc’s Google with a sum of $142,877 for violating the state’s rules on prohibited content, amidst the latest clash between Big Tech companies and the Russian state. The Tagansky District Court fined search engine titan Google with five independent fines of approximately $190,000 for not deleting content banned […]

Despite seizing power, Taliban is still banned from Facebook

The Taliban’s content will remain banned on Facebook, the company confirmed to Sky News on Tuesday, as the group is considered a dangerous terrorist organization under the site’s policies. The Taliban seized power over Afghanistan nearly 20 years after the U.S. war with the country ended. However, the organization is listed under a Specially Designated […]

T-Mobile’s misleading statements help in Sprint merger

California regulators released on Friday a ruling addressing T-Mobile’s misrepresented declarations to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regarding the telecommunication operator’s grand vision for Sprint’s legacy CMDA network. It seems that U.S. operator, T-Mobile, has fabricated misleading information to government regulators concerning its 3G shutdown plans to gain approval of its merger with Sprint, […]

Vodafone Idea cites COVID behind 4.7% drop in revenue

Indian telecom operator Vodafone Idea (Vi) announced on Saturday a 4.7 percent dip in revenues QoQ, attributing its weak performance to the COVID-19 pandemic, as the operator edges ever closer to bankruptcy.   The loss in revenue – which amounts to $1.2 billion – is considered as another blow to the company, which is resorting to outside factors as the main reason behind its […]

BES sues Huawei over data theft and backdoors in Pakistan

Business Efficiency Solutions (BES), a U.S. cloud software company has filed a lawsuit against Chinese telecom vendor Huawei, citing allegations of data theft and installing a backdoor that acts as an open-ended gateway of sensitive data on Pakistan’s citizens and the country’s national security.  According to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the lawsuit claims that in 2015, Huawei contacted BES asking for a collaboration in creating a duplicate of the Lahore network in […]

Study: German emissions to grow by largest amount since 1990

Germany is forecast to slip back below the threshold it had set for cutting greenhouse gases by 2020, amid a post-pandemic recovery and unfavorable conditions for renewable energy, according to a report by an environmental think tank Sunday. Berlin-based Agora Energiewende examined data from the first half of 2021 to forecast that total emissions in […]

Indian politician back on Twitter following controversial post

Rahul Gandhi, leader of India’s largest opposition party is back on Twitter.   After being blocked from the social networking site for sharing a photo of himself with the parents of a girl who was allegedly raped and murdered in New Delhi, Twitter decided to reinstate Gandhi and his political community within their digital sphere.  Gandhi’s tweet — which has been shared around by […]

Lee freed on parole, showing Samsung's might in South Korea

Samsung leader Lee Jae-yong walked out of prison Friday a year early in a parole decision demonstrating the conglomerate’s outsized influence in South Korea as well as continuing leniency for bosses who commit corporate corruption. Wearing a gray suit and a mask, Lee stepped out of the gates at the prison near Seoul and bowed […]