Search results for "space technology "

The Central Role of Telecom Operators in the Metaverse

The digital world has been witnessing intermittent events that change how we interact, access information, complete our daily activities, and basically live our daily life beyond our physical connections. Probably the first prominent introduction was the Internet and the world wide web in the nineties. The next awaited event is the advent of the Metaverse, […]

MVNOs Shouldn’t Shy Away from eSIM Adoption

Momentum for embedded SIMs, or eSIMs, is accelerating in the consumer market. By 2025, 60 per cent of smartphone unit sales will be eSIM-compatible, and eSIM shipments increased 83 per cent year-on-year in 2020. These facts alone would make anybody assume eSIM adoption has been virtually problem-free. However, despite significant breakthroughs, the market has experienced […]

What Reaching the Size Limit of the Transistor Means for the Future

The advances in computing and communications wouldn’t have been possible without the transistor. This small semiconductor device invented at Bell Labs in 1947, has allowed the proliferation of integrated circuits, the core element in any hardware component. The latest semiconductor shortage is a clear reflection of the important place it has in current technologies. Over […]

Celebrating Women in Engineering Day 2022

Engineering is at the core of technological advancements. Without the efforts of engineers around the world, no breakthroughs and innovations would have been possible. The latest sciences and engineering indicators report indicates that the number of women in sciences, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) represented 34 percent of the total workforce. In 2021, 14 percent […]

Is There a Place for Ethos in the Future?

The technological evolution has been outpacing virtually any other field, most noticeably law and ethics. The alarming disparity between these different areas raises a question related to the uncontrollable effect the technological advances would have on the users themselves. Although ethics and ethos come from the same Greek root ēthikós which relates to morality and […]

The Big Tech Telecoms Convergence: Dream or Disaster?

Big Tech’s entry into telecoms is shaking up the industry 2021 was a huge year for tech giants and telecoms with Google, Verizon and most recently Amazon Web Services (AWS) all announcing plans to enter the telecoms space. The convergence of Big Tech telecoms is nothing new and each company has their own plans to […]

5G vs. Wi-Fi: Harmony or Competition?

The evolution of wireless technologies has been going at a steady pace. Two technologies have been dominating the market for more than two decades.  The advent of GSM or 2G as it is widely known, has allowed true mobile communications that culminated with the latest 5G evolution, while the Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) standard has brought […]

Will Modular Phones Ever Make a Comeback?

Technology often follows a pattern of getting hyped up at its conception, only to die down and become an obscure concept for some time, only to pop back up with renewed vigor, innovation, and purpose. In line with modern technology’s recent tendency towards personalization, interoperability, customizability, and modularity over the last decade, might modular phones […]

The End of Line for DSL?

Internet connectivity has become an integral part of our daily life, without which, most daily activities could not be achieved properly. The ongoing digitalization has moved most business, governmental and other processes to the web, further limiting activities relying on physical interactions. Digital subscriber lines (DSL) have been the technology of choice in most countries […]

How AI Can Take Businesses to the Next Level

Data is undoubtedly the central player in today’s business world. The different markets have reached a level of competitiveness that companies have been looking for the killer idea or even the best understanding of the market that will provide it with a competitive edge. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral component in the operations […]