Search results for "space technology "

Distorting Reality of Sexual Abuse in the Metaverse

As a virtual world, the Metaverse is bound to witness such inappropriate occurrences. Again, I need to highlight this one more time; the issue is not really the Metaverse here; it is more the people using it and the companies developing it and their inability to protect their users. Sexual abuse in the Metaverse cannot […]

Japan May Force Big Tech Companies to Disclose Their Algorithms

Big tech companies such as Meta (Facebook), Google, Amazon, Twitter, and others have always tried to keep their algorithms close to their hearts. At the end of the day, these long stretches of code are main contributors to the company’s revenue streams. Whether it is in marketing, advertisement selection, recommendation, search optimization, or other functionalities, […]

The Industrial Metaverse and Digital Twins

Since Facebook announced it is rebranding to Meta, the long-forgotten concept of the Metaverse, which first appeared in 1992 in the novel “Snow Crash”, has suddenly become the talk of the town. The concept of the Metaverse is fascinating to say the least, for all the good and bad reasons. It is no longer a […]

Why the United Kingdom Hates Huawei?

The telecommunications industry is not immune from the political tensions and the war of attrition that has been reigning between China and the USA and other European countries for some time now.  The emergence of Chinese vendor and original equipment manufacturer Huawei as a serious competitor to other vendors and manufacturers has been a notable […]

LiveMetric’s LiveOne: A Bliss for Hypertension Patients

Wearable technology has become an essential component of our daily life, especially for chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. Driven by advances in communications and computing and improved sensor accuracy, smartwatches have become real diagnostic tools capable of measuring vital signs while providing insights into our medical conditions. Efficiently measuring blood pressure with clinically […]

The Link Between Video Games and Mental Health

The link between games and mental health is not an obvious one, but many gamers can attest to the effectiveness of some types of video games when it comes to improving or aiding in their mental health struggles. There’s nothing like spending a few hours isolated from the outside world, just you and you’re in […]

Germany’s New Steel Thermos Tower and the Ukrainian-Russian War

The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has been devastating in the battlefield, but with its repercussions escaping the borders of the conflicting countries to impact every other country in the world. Ukrainian wheat, Russian oil and gas have been causing severe problems for countries who rely on imports to satisfy their needs. The ban […]

China Welcomes a Fourth 5G Telecom Provider

China is one of the largest countries around the world. Together with India, it accounts for about one third of the world’s population and two thirds of Asia’s population. The country has been enjoying steady economic growth with a gross domestic product (GDP) increase of about 10 percent each year according the World Bank. However, […]

Why Self-Driving Cars are Still Unsafe?

Car production has been moving from petrol-based cars to electric vehicles with the main aim of fighting climate change by reducing CO2 emissions. The autopilot feature by Tesla in 2014 has been a notable improvement in advanced driver assistance systems taking the autonomy in cars to level 2 on the self-driving car scale out of […]

Disadvantages of AI in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI) are two very trending topics at the moment. AI has been the pivotal elements modifying business strategies, improving decision-making processes, and triggering automation in every industry in the world. The latest sentience debate is a clear indicator on serious and advanced AI is becoming nowadays. Cybersecurity is the other important […]