Search results for "deep learning algorithm "

Craftly.AI launches AI-powered copywriter assistant platform

Craftly.AI has launched a web-based AI-powered copywriter that leverages natural language processing and machine learning (ML) to research and write original content. Craftly notes, “let us get right to the point. Writing is hard” and proceeds to inform on how the platform can change that, at least on the copyrighting front, if not Shakespearean plays […]

Healthcare cloud computing set to rise in next decade

The novel COVID-19 pandemic has placed a spotlight on how technology can aid the healthcare industry in improving operations, cutting costs, and taking patient care to whole new level. One of the major technologies making strides is healthcare cloud computing, since it allows hospitals and medical facilities the flexibility patients need to receive care in […]

MIT announce AI predictive tool for breast cancer

A team of scientists from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and Jameel Clinic (J-Clinic) announced that they had created a breast cancer risk-assessment algorithm that shows consistent performance across patients from the U.S., Europe, and Asia. The researchers said the model needed both algorithmic improvements and large-scale validation across several hospitals to […]

AI in education: bringing schools into the digital age

For the last decade, the education industry has dabbled with emerging technologies in the hopes of slowly integrating them within their educational models. However, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic took the sector from carefully dipping their toes into the technological stream and threw it headfirst into an unplanned experiment of online education to hold the fort. […]

Regulating AI: striking while the iron is hot

Bias has always accompanied us throughout our journey in human history. It has ushered us into safety and steered us away from the potential dangers of the elements surrounding us, be them natural or otherwise. Yet, years, decades, and centuries later, humanity has stumbled into a gigantic faux pas in terms of how we apply […]

Could AI be the answer to world hunger?

The contributions of recent technological developments toward humanity has characterized this period in history as the best time to be alive. From advancements in the field of medicine, to construction, even reaching the service industry, we have made strides in bettering humanity’s quality of life. But there remains a lot to be done; and the […]

Using AI tools to help fight against COVID-19

Prior to the world being even aware of the threat posed by the COVID-19 virus, artificial intelligence (AI) systems had already successfully detected an outbreak of an unknown type of pneumonia in China. As the coronavirus spread, AI tools have been deployed to support the efforts made by the medical community, policy makers and society […]

Kian Gould, CEO and Founder of AOE

Kian Gould is the CEO and Founder of AOE and is responsible for strategy, vision and growth of the company since 1999. AOE develops digital business, E-Commerce and marketplace solutions based on open source technologies. Gould is a regular speaker at many global conferences, and a well-known expert in global E-Commerce, telecommunication, airport digitalization and […]

How Healthcare AI could have stopped COVID-19 before it began

AI can help make complex problems simple, and allow humans to do more meaningful and innovative work with the smart tools at their disposal across many industries While AI has been used in healthcare for a while now and the advancements continue, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced researchers, startups and stakeholders to push boundaries and […]