Search results for "apple INc"

Google Web3 Team Assembled Amid Crypto Craze by Google's Cloud Division

Google’s cloud division announced the launch of an internal team tasked with building services for blockchain and Decentralized Application (DAO) developers. The decision to create Google Web3 solutions comes at a time of increased interest, activity, and use of crypto, blockchain, and Web3 tools. Amit Zavery, Vice President of Web3 Infrastructure at Google Cloud, allegedly […]

Computer Chip Giant ASML Places Big Bets on a Tiny Future

ASML, a semiconductor industry and stock market giant, has to think smaller. Or maybe bigger. It is building machines the size of double-decker buses, weighing over 200 tonnes, in its quest to produce beams of focused light that create the microscopic circuitry on computer chips used in everything from phones and laptops to cars and […]

Did Facebook Create the Metaverse?

If you Google the question “Who created the internet,” you wouldn’t get a straight answer. There are the visionaries who conceived it, the engineers who built it, the coders who evolved it, and the creators who populated it. In that same sense, can we give credit to one person or company for creating the Metaverse? […]

Britain to Give New Tech Regulator Statutory Powers

Britain will give statutory powers to a new technology regulator so it can enforce pro-competition rules and prevent tech giants including Google and Facebook from using their dominance to push out smaller firms and disadvantage consumers. “The government will introduce legislation to put the Digital Markets Unit on a statutory footing in due course,” the […]

Virtual Worlds Need Virtual Bodies: Digital Avatar in the Metaverse

By now you probably know, at least vaguely, what the Metaverse refers to. A persistent 3D world of 3D worlds interconnected via the internet, verified and established on the blockchain. Interacting on the blockchain means your identity is singular, unique, and unchangeable, except by you. So, in this virtual world, you will, of course, need […]

As Wall Street Embraces the Cloud, Legacies are Forsaken

When the world was first hit with its COVID-19 case and the news hastily spread, global populations were hit with the pandemic whiplash, bursting into their comfort zones and breaking all bounders of normality. For the tech industry, however, this was not the case. As businesses were closing doors, Big Tech giants were embracing the […]

Zain Kuwait, and the Urgent Need to “Globalize” the Local Identity

Zain is undoubtedly one of the pillars of the telecom sector in the Middle East and North Africa. The story started in 1983 with the establishment of the Mobile Telecommunications Company (MTC), in a time where digital mobile communications was still being developed with mostly predominant fixed telephony. MTC soon became among the first providers […]

China Says Will Help Key Industries Resume Work in Locked-Down Shanghai

China said on Friday that it will help hundreds of companies in key sectors to resume production in locked-down Shanghai, the commercial capital at the centre of the country’s latest COVID-19 outbreak, as businesses warn of the growing economic toll of restrictions. The announcement comes as a growing number of business leaders and analysts warn […]

Best Tech Stock to Buy Right Now

Nowadays, investing is perceived as a new means to make money to be set aside while hustling through your 9 to 5 job with the hope of building wealth. The concept itself of paying out a certain amount with the anticipation of gaining more money throughout time is tempting. For that reason, it is of […]