Search results for "x owner"

Software developments and innovation at the network edge

Operators have been looking at the possibility and capabilities of the network edge for years. Network edge is the point at which the enterprise-owned network connects to a third-party network. The arrival of 5G is promising to attract new business but what is the reality and where do communication service providers (CSPs) feature in this journey? Most CSPs realize […]

Virus-shocked Hollywood gets break with streaming services

By LYNN ELBER AP Television Writer LOS ANGELES (AP) — Sports are on hold, theaters are closed and so are amusement parks, a disaster-movie scenario that has Hollywood reeling. But Americans held captive at home by the coronavirus can turn to Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and other streaming services, outliers in an entertainment industry brought to […]

Vodafone Czech Launching Vodafone TV in March

Vodafone Czech Republic will soon launch Vodafone TV in partnership with UPC. With UPC’s broadband offering fixed-line services, such as phones, internet, and digital cable TV, the groundwork is laid out and ready for the launch of their newest product. The companies will combine fixed and mobile operations. Vodafone TV will have both a fixed […]

GSMA repledges better digital inclusion for Women

A recent GSMA study shows that despite some progress, the gender gap in mobile internet usage remains substantial. Over 300 million fewer women than men are able to access the internet from a mobile device in low- and middle-income countries. The main barrier affecting ownership is affordability, followed closely by lower awareness, as well as […]

Who controls the future deployment of 5G?

Economic giants Germany and China started commercial-scale rollouts of 5G – the wireless technology infrastructure that is shifting the way the whole world operates – in late October 2019. Even though machines and people will still communicate over the internet, 5G networking infrastructure is emerging. Although this is somewhat dependent on the internet, it is […]

Smartphone penetration growth in emerging markets

Smartphone continues to rise in the developing world. According to a GSMA report, by 2025, smartphone penetration will reach 80% globally. The countries contributing to the significant increase includes, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan. Consumer behavior is shifting and changing. 70% of smartphones will run on LTE, which reflects the dominant influence of the mobile internet […]

Barr's call for U.S. control of 5G providers quickly rebuked

By TALI ARBEL AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Trump administration officials, increasingly intent on preventing Chinese global technological domination, keep floating the idea that the U.S. government should take a more direct hand in running next-generation 5G wireless networks. But the notion isn’t terribly popular — not even within the administration. On Thursday, […]

A rising demand for digital talent in the Middle East

2020 is well underway and consumer habits in the MENA region are changing more rapidly than ever before. The demand for digital has never been higher. Consumers in the region require variety, speed and a flawless experience. It is becoming increasingly harder for businesses to secure the right talent to develop the best solutions. The […]

Preparing for digital transformation of the workplace

The 20th century office space is non-existent. Hand completed tasks and standing at the photocopier are now images of a previous era. The future of our office is now in the digital world. In July 2019, Amazon announced its plans to spend $700 million to train 100,000 workers in the US by 2025 and support […]