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Mazen A. Dohaji, Vice President (iMETA) at LogRhythm

As technological advancements have skyrocketed, and the switch to digital is on the rise, cybersecurity will play a vital role in the transformation ahead.  As governments all over the world invest in smart city initiatives, the role of cybersecurity has been elevated to protect the fabric of society from cybercriminals looking to wreak havoc across […]

Huawei has lost the UK telecoms market

A week ago, Huawei had hoped to shine again in the UK telecom market. Unfortunately, this dream is deemed ever-more unrealistic. It is clear now that the United Kingdom is moving forward with its intent to remove Huawei from its core 5G network.  Recently, Huawei Vice-President Victor Zhang commented on the UK decision over removing […]

Why GovTech adoption during COVID-19 is a must

GovTech is a new term that refers to the modernization and/or digitization of government services for better accessibility and efficiency of public services. A mouth full, but this suggests a need for governments to do what the private sector has been doing from the start: embrace and incorporate industry 4.0 technology. However, to do so […]

AstraZeneca manufacturing error clouds vaccine study results

AstraZeneca and Oxford University on Wednesday acknowledged a manufacturing error that is raising questions about preliminary results of their experimental COVID-19 vaccine. A statement describing the error came days after the company and the university described the shots as “highly effective” and made no mention of why some study participants didn’t receive as much vaccine […]

EU plans new rules giving Europeans more control of data

The European Union is laying out new standards for data giving Europeans more control over their personal information as it seeks to counter the power of U.S. and Chinese tech companies. The EU’s executive Commission on Wednesday proposed new rules on the handling of data that would aim to give people, businesses and government bodies […]

Telecom operators and reducing customer churn

Telecom operators usually consider two main factors in their plan to maintain and increase their business revenue. The first factor is the act of acquisition where companies are more focused on acquiring new subscribers to use the service being offered by the telco. The second factor is the act of retention whereby the goal is […]

China Mobile dominates 5G user base across the country

China continues to take giant leaps forward, as its largest telecoms operator, China Mobile, added a whopping 15.2 million 5G subscribers in October alone, according to a statement published by the telco. The statement highlighted that it ended the month with a total of 128.8 million 5G subscribers, compared to 6.7 million at the beginning […]

UK telecom companies face big fines under new security law

Telecom companies in Britain face hefty fines if they don’t comply with strict new security rules under a new law proposed in Parliament on Tuesday that is aimed at blocking high-risk equipment suppliers like China’s Huawei. The Telecommunications (Security) Bill tightens security requirements for new high speed 5G wireless and fiber optic networks, with the […]

Home Depot agrees to $17.5m settlement in 2014 data breach

Home Depot has reached a $17.5 million settlement with the attorney generals of 46 states and the District of Columbia over a 2014 data breach that exposed the payment card information of some 40 million customers. The Massachusetts Attorney General’s office detailed the settlement in a statement Tuesday, saying Home Depot agreed under its terms […]

The global fight to regulate 5G is happening right now

Almost everywhere you look, there’s a story about 5G and its impact on humanity from every conceivable aspect. The fifth generation of mobile networks has dominated tech headlines far and wide, where every telco, tech news outlet, and private tech firm has flooded the Internet with 5G content as far as the finger can click. […]