Search results for "X"

Risk Mitigation: What it is and how to implement it?

One of the major aspects that most businesses tend to put behind their backs is risk management and mitigation. It is a serious matter that cannot be ignored at any cost. Los Angeles IT consulting recommends being proactive about risk management and get started with risk mitigation so that any threat to the business can […]

US safety agency seeks input on autonomous vehicle rules

The U.S. government’s road safety agency is asking for public comment on how it should regulate safe deployment of self-driving vehicles. Seeking public comment is an early step in drawing up possible regulations, but that process takes years and could be changed by the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden. About 60 companies are already […]

AI: the new customer service champion

With artificial intelligence (AI) on the rise, reaching higher levels of sophistication and faster response rates, many companies are looking to deploy it within their customer service branches to primarily reduce costs and enhance customer experience.  Currently, the tech is not fully able to take over the tasks carried out by human customer service agents. […]

Vaccine warriors: Promising clinical results from Moderna and Pfizer

As the pandemic continues to spread across the world, marking a year since the first Covid-19 case, humanity scores its second prominent victory as we rush to find a vaccine to end the current health crisis. Enter American pharma company Moderna, that released results of a key study this week regarding their experimental Covid-19 vaccine. […]

Top UK operators join forces to fight online identity fraud

The UK’s four mobile network operators – EE, O2, Three, and Vodafone – have teamed up in developing a new application that aims to fight online identity fraud. The app, called Number Verify, aims to strengthen consumer safety online and works as a verification software that allows customers to authenticate their user identities through matching […]

BuzzFeed buying HuffPost from Verizon for undisclosed price

BuzzFeed is buying HuffPost from Verizon as part of a bigger deal that has the wireless giant investing in the digital-media company. BuzzFeed and Verizon did not disclose terms of the deal. Verizon will be a minority shareholder in BuzzFeed and the two companies will partner on content and ads. A downturn in advertising due […]

Crowdfunding: A silent hero in the Covid-19 era

As the world preps itself for a second wave of Covid-19 and vaccine development continues, one cannot deny the hardships humanity has faced this year. Businesses of all shapes and sizes struggled, economies slowed, and people were overworked from the comfort of their own homes. But if there’s one thing that defines successful entrepreneurs and […]

How can telcos capitalize on IoT?

Currently it’s hard for anyone to read tech news, attend webinars, or surf the Internet without the slightest mention of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the mix.  Set to become one of the most disruptive technologies since Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn’s invention of the World Wide Web, IoT holds so much promise across […]

Kevin Taylor MBE - Indigo Telecom Group Chairman

This year has been a rollercoaster ride for industries far and wide, the most notable being the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on economies, governments, and companies alike. For many, financial numbers and results dipped, projects were cancelled, and investments stopped dead in their tracks as the world’s population took refuge in their homes. While […]

SaaS post-pandemic: Future impacts

One of the few benefits of the pandemic is that it has accelerated our progress towards the future. Think telemedicine, virtual work, on-demand delivery – all of which were catapulted into development and even implementation due to the pandemic.  Covid-19 has certainly impacted several technologies, more specifically, SaaS executives around the world are asking themselves […]