Search results for "COVID-19 "

What's holding remote learning back?

The pandemic triggered a shift to remote work that has been relatively smooth due to most modern offices already using an array of communication and collaboration tools. However, the case is not so similar for remote learning. Right now, the best technology at our disposal can’t solve some of the inherent problems of remote learning […]

Tech employment – losses and recovery

In previous articles, we have tackled the impact of the pandemic on various professions and industries. However, there has been a notable surge in innovation and employment in the tech industry. This may come as a surprise to many. After all, the pandemic shook the foundations of global market overall, and everything with it. While […]

IoT: The hidden costs of the always connected age

Homes are overflowing with connected devices. Everything from “smart” televisions, speakers, light bulbs, and even smart microwaves have surged in popularity in the past several years – with over 10 billion IoT devices expected to be in use worldwide this year. Many of these devices are always-on and always-connected, ready to be used at the […]

O2 expands 5G rollout in 100 UK towns & cities

UK operator O2 announced their fifth-generation network expansion plan that will cover over 100 UK towns and cities, a year after they had initially kicked off their 5G rollout.  While partnering with Nordic vendors Ericsson and Nokia for their 5G infrastructure, O2, which is owned by Spanish telco Telefonica, will allow existing customers a refresh […]

Contactless tech deployed in restaurant chains amid pandemic

As we continue adapting to the pandemic, we notice that our needs as consumers are rapidly changing. Not so long ago, standing in-line at a packed fast food chain, waiting to get served, was considered to be the norm in dining experiences; we can evidently see how this scenario can’t be applied in the time […]

Healthcare cybersecurity on the rise, hackers close behind

Wherever there is technology, there is the risk of cyberattacks; and the healthcare industry is by no means an exception, especially since the global Covid-19 pandemic. A vast number of wide-ranging hacks and data breaches launched on hospitals and healthcare providers have drastically increased the industry’s investment within cybersecurity to protect not only their patients, […]

CITC becomes KSA’s new 5G regulator

Saudi Arabia’s Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) has announced that it will become a 5G network regulator in the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) rankings, as it progresses from a telecom regulator to a digital regulator. “We are one of the most tech-savvy and connected nations in the world and CITC, as the national regulator, […]

Could AI be the answer to world hunger?

The contributions of recent technological developments toward humanity has characterized this period in history as the best time to be alive. From advancements in the field of medicine, to construction, even reaching the service industry, we have made strides in bettering humanity’s quality of life. But there remains a lot to be done; and the […]

UK Space Agency backs medical drone delivery project

A medical drone delivery service founded by trainee doctors that aims to transport coronavirus samples, test kits and protective equipment between hospitals has won the backing of Britain’s Space Agency. The start-up project can help free up healthcare staff, avoid courier waiting times and minimize the risk of virus transmission, authorities said Saturday. Trainee doctors […]

New software enables labs to deliver same-day Coronavirus test results

Las Vegas software company, GoMeyra has announced plans for a new technology that will speed up COVID-19 testing, promising same day Coronavirus test results. Using Cloud-based technology, the company claims their solution will bypass the need for manual input. This will cut the overall time it takes to assess samples and decrease the possibility of […]