Search results for "COVID-19 "

The unstoppable rise of wireless technologies

It comes as no surprise that wireless technologies and solutions have integrated into every fabric of human life as we know it, from shaping our relationships to our worldwide economies. And it’s only going to go up from here. According to a report published by Transparency Market Research (TMR), the global wireless connectivity market is […]

Apple unveils first Macs built to run more like iPhones

Apple is rolling out new Mac computers powered by the same kind of chips that run iPhones and iPads, a move aimed at making it easier for its most popular products to work together. For instance, Macs using the new chips will be able to run the same apps designed for the iPhone’s mobile operating […]

TelkomONE to become South Africa’s first streaming platform

South Africa’s telecom mobile operator, Telkom, has teamed up with the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) to launch a new streaming platform called TelkomONE. The unique partnership will stretch over a five-year period and is set to showcase the country’s most popular and on-demand TV programs as well as radio platforms all in one place. […]

SK telcos scramble to address unhappy 5G customers

As headlines worldwide boast the power and opportunities offered by the rollout of 5G networks, a different reality is being mirrored on the ground.  South Korea, the first country to introduce 5G and one which boasts the largest mobile network, is experiencing customer-related issues across the board due to poor quality, slow connections, and a […]

Quality assurance is now a business priority to help deliver trusted enterprise digital transformation

The 12th edition of the World Quality Report 2020-21 (WQR), released today by Capgemini, Sogeti, and Micro Focus, shows the steady evolution of quality assurance (QA) from a backroom discipline to an integral part of wider enterprise digital transformation. Contributing to business growth and business outcomes was the highest rated objective for testing and QA […]

Net neutrality complications amid the pandemic

As governments around the world rush to deploy digital tools against Covid-19, it is evident that several of the assumptions around internet rights and governance are being overlooked. While privacy risks have garnered significant attention, we must not lose sight of other fundamental issues that govern the functioning of the internet. Regulators around the world […]

SMEs in Indonesia lean on FinTech to stay afloat

As the world currently heads into the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic, many countries have begun instilling new restrictions and rules to curb the rising number of infections. This is considered a nightmare for countries like Indonesia, which heavily relies on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to carry their economy forward. SMEs contribute a total […]

China determined to lead the line in technology & science innovation

China’s ruling Communist Party has drawn a roadmap that will take the country to the forefront of global innovation for the next decade, as it plans heavy investments within major technological and scientific projects. “The country will pursue innovation-driven development and implement a number of strategic projects in the fields of artificial intelligence, quantum information, […]

UK cybersecurity body ramping up support to shield burdened NHS

Cybersecurity efforts in the UK have been focused on the health industry, as hackers and cybercriminals set their sights on a burdened NHS during the Covid-19 pandemic, a recent report by the Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) stated. “What we’ve done as an organization is really pivot towards the health sector to try and […]

eSIMs will prove to be the biggest enabler for mass IoT

Years from now, 2020 will be remembered as the year that challenged the norm set forth by humanity for decades. Reality was altered, people were pushed indoors in attempts to shield themselves from the tidal spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. But while people took refuge indoors and economies were tested, the technology field prospered and […]