5G Networks

India’s 5G Needs to Catch Up

India has been preparing to introduce 5G for years, but delays have kept happening. According to the most recent information, the implementation should be finished before March 2023 if the government has its way in the current round of frequency auctions. That depends on a lot. The government has consistently overpromised when addressing the 5G […]

AI Networking: The Future of Seamless Connectivity

Imagine a world where networks are sentient, self-healing, and self-optimizing. Where traffic flows seamlessly, and security threats are a thing of the past. This reality is the future of networking with AI, and it’s an exciting one. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making waves in various industries, and the networking world is no exception. With […]

The Cloud 5G Rests On

Virtual connectedness between everyone and everything will be made possible by 5G. The connectivity will guarantee easy access to data from any location. With a 5G wireless network, mobile cloud computing combines the strength of cloud computing with mobile computing, birthing a robust 5G cloud infrastructure. With the aid of this technical advancement, high-quality programs […]

The Burning Need to Update Telecommunications and Network Security

When it comes to cybersecurity, telcos are faced with a wide range of diversity and complexity, including distributed and cloud RAN, Edge and Cloud Core, enterprise and subscriber devices, gateways, hubs, set-top boxes, multi-capacity routers, switches, base transceiver stations, femtocells, and 5G edge gateways. Hacker groups, APT groups and clusters, and malware creators frequently target […]

Ericsson and Apple End Patent-Related Legal Row with Licence Deal

Ericsson said on Friday it had struck a global patent licence agreement with Apple, ending a row over royalty payments for the use of 5G wireless patents in iPhones. The Swedish telecoms equipment maker said the multi-year deal included global cross-licences for patented cellular standard-essential technologies, and granted certain other patent rights. “The settlement ends […]

The Current State of the 5G Market Growth

Major telcos have been aggressively marketing their 5G offerings. Yet they should consider not only the 5G benefits and promises but what it has relatively failed or is yet to do. Especially when planning the future of telecommunications. 5G technology delivers fast bandwidth, which optimizes real-time applications and heavy on data mobile apps. 5G market […]

AI and Smart Grid Solutions  

A Smart grid is more than just power delivery. It is the main factor, though. It is the core pillar of a smart grid. A parallel stream of energy and information, but it is much more complex than that. Artificial intelligence (AI) and distributed generation are the two main components of smart grid solutions. The […]

6G Vision for 2030: What to Expect

5G networks are still rolling out globally. Many regions still operate using 4G and, in some cases, 3G networks. It might seem a bit early to talk about 6G networks when you factor in that not everyone uses 5G. In hindsight, technology strives to push the envelope. 6G vision for 2030 will take time to […]

5G Rollout and the 5G Telecom Stocks

5G is a very distinctive upgrade from the previous generations. And it boils down to one key factor, Speed. Such speeds are possible because 5G operates on a larger radius of the radio spectrum. This increase in radius allows wireless devices to be more efficient with signal transmission. 5G further allows more fast-paced data processing […]

5G Security Features Merging With IoT

The 5G-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) is groundbreaking in terms of growth in effectiveness and capability. Even though some may argue that 5G is still in its young phases, others already hail and talk about 6G. The mobile networking system offers a lot of features that are not only useful for mobile communications only. 5G […]