
Dealing with Constant Change in the Telco Market

Forward Thinking as a Business Strategy for CSPs A saturated market containing highly similar offerings from different providers doesn’t make it easy right now for telecommunications providers to set themselves apart from their rivals through their services and gain a competitive edge. It is clear, however, that even if they used to be pioneers in […]

Telcos Shifting Towards A Digital-Native Model

In times where technology titans are capturing the market, telcos are forced to reimagine their business and embrace a future-back approach to transformation in order to survive and thrive in such a competitive environment. In fact, taking the digital leap is no longer an option especially that following the pandemic, customer behaviors leap-frogged five to […]

5G vs. Wi-Fi: Harmony or Competition?

The evolution of wireless technologies has been going at a steady pace. Two technologies have been dominating the market for more than two decades.  The advent of GSM or 2G as it is widely known, has allowed true mobile communications that culminated with the latest 5G evolution, while the Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) standard has brought […]

Telecoms operators are facing headwinds: here’s how to change course

Telecoms operators should be flying high. Over the past 20 months they have been a linchpin of societies and economies, keeping businesses going, families talking and us all hooked to Netflix. And yet, from February to December 2020, telcos created less value for shareholders than nearly every other sector, according to Bain & Company. This […]

Digicel Fiji launches satellite internet for rural, remote areas

Fijian operator Digicel said it launched its next-generation satellite broadband service – Digisat. The service will provide universal data connectivity at an affordable rate in rural and remote communities. Digicel’s remote community Wi-Fi will provide broadband services to rural households and businesses that are currently without access to the internet. CEO Farid Mohammed says their […]

Telenor sells off Myanmar operations to Lebanese investment firm

Facing extreme pressure from Myanmar’s Junta, Norwegian operator Telenor has sold it’s operations within the country to Lebanese investment firm M1 Group for $105 million, the company said in a statement on Thursday.   “Telenor Group has entered into an agreement to sell 100 percent of its mobile operations in Myanmar to M1 Group for a total consideration of $105 million, of which $55 […]

How can telcos capitalize on IoT?

Currently it’s hard for anyone to read tech news, attend webinars, or surf the Internet without the slightest mention of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the mix.  Set to become one of the most disruptive technologies since Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn’s invention of the World Wide Web, IoT holds so much promise across […]

Partnership between the Telecom and Aviation Industries

The telecom and aviation industries are to collaborate, in further efforts to increase innovation. The mobile ecosystem is seeking to build a key partnership with the aviation industry, with an emphasis on connected drones. The growing relationship between both telecom and aviation industries presents a major opportunity to activate a vast range of drone-based applications […]

Why should telecom operators and startups collaborate?

Many startups are at the epicenter of innovation, providing the world with news ideas, products and solutions that can be utilized across industry sectors. These young enterprises often provide consumer-relevant products/solutions that are strongly driven by technology. Telecom operators and startups collaboration has never made more sense in a time where the services of both […]