If you’ve been using the internet since it took off over 20 years ago, you will certainly be aware of ‘hacking’ but less aware perhaps, of how it has developed over time. Experts say that a new hack is deployed to businesses, organizations, or individuals every 40 seconds. We have all seen what we know […]
We have all been the recipient of random calls from numbers that we simply do not recognize. You may even have noticed more frequent incoming spam calls as of late. Well, statistics show that your suspicion is not simply paranoia but a concerning fact. According to a report published by Truecaller, spam calls have increased […]
SIM Box Fraud has been recognized by the telecoms industry as the toughest fraud problem operators currently face. Operators spend around $51 million a year on bypass fraud management solutions, with operators frequently identifying and blocking large numbers of SIM Boxes, yet the problem seems to persist across the world. What is SIM Box Fraud? […]