
Ways that AI is helping the fight against COVID-19

Initial cases of COVID-19 were first declared in December 2019, in Wuhan, China. After four months, the virus has now been diagnosed in 167 countries and almost 140,000 people have died. The impact of the disease throughout the world will have unprecedented consequences for virtually all aspects of the global economy. The world seems to […]

Zoom – privacy concerns amid the success

The Zoom application has been around since last year however it has enjoyed huge popularity as the world receded in to lockdown and people began to socialize and conduct meetings online. Network operators, had much to worry about and were not sure what to expect but Zoom seemed unaffected by this and enjoyed its increasing […]

Crowdsourcing – collecting data to combat COVID-19

The majority of us are not healthcare workers or scientists and so may be feeling a little helpless at the moment. We can of course do out bit by staying inside and washing our hands, but is there anything else we can do? Luckily technology once again, provides an answer. Thanks to the internet, social […]

Bridging the new digital divide - social contact among older adults

The National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom has been pushing tech companies to help bridge the connectivity divide that has left many older adults socially stranded during this period of quarantine – according to TechCrunch. In reaction to the request, Facebook will give 20,050 of its own Portal video-calling devices to hospitals, nursing […]

The Open COVID Pledge – an IP licensing program

In these times, we all have a responsibility to do our part in the current pandemic. This could be simply staying home, maintaining good respiratory hygiene and washing hands frequently. Some major tech innovators around the world have an even greater share of responsibility as key intellectual property and niche manufacturing capabilities can provide a […]

WFH - how to make the best of your tech experience

The WFH reality is now upon us in ways we did not anticipate. So, what is the perfect way to turn remote work into a more productive, better experience? Firstly, most businesses are treating this scenario as a temporary one, however there are those who claim it will initiate a more permanent, steady trend in […]

Surveillance applications – the new normal

It has been widely circulated lately, that governments in countries around the world have been using anonymized and aggregated phone tracking to help combat COVID-19. The next wave of technology is digital contact tracing. At the moment, these are optional applications that combine Bluetooth’s Relative Signal Strength Indicator, a duration timer and a masked identifier […]

AI on the edge – restoring value back to data

In our digital world, both AI and IoT are significantly changing so many aspects of our lives. The amount of IoT devises that connect to the network is increasing at a rapid rate. By 2025, we are expected to have 41 billion connected devices. This increasing amount of connectivity means that the data flowing back […]

Online learning and development programs

The global community is dealing with unprecedented changes to everyday routine as a result of COVID-19. The things we took for granted have been consumed by lockdown, leaving us looking for new ways to spend our time. One thing that can be utilised, is the investment of time in learning and development; now is the […]

10 tech facts you should know today 03/04/2020

A leaked memo obtained by Vice showed Amazon’s efforts to mount a smear campaign against a worker it fired. The memo was written by one of Amazon’s top lawyers who described the fired worker, Chris Smalls, as “not smart or articulate.” Zoom’s CEO has apologized to the video conferencing app’s millions of users over privacy concerns. “We […]