
A new ‘Request Verification’ section to be released on Twitter

Blue checkmark feature came out after a lawsuit has been filed by Anthony La Russa against the company on May 6, 2009, in the Superior Court of California/ County of San Francisco. La Russa had been suing the company for someone who was pretending to be him. The causes of the lawsuit included trademark infringement, […]

What Covid-19 means for future medical technology

Future medical technology is nowhere near floatation tubes or de-aging machines. What the world is seeing however, is a shift towards the beginnings of technologies unearthed by the ongoing pandemic that could act as seeds for more radical innovations later on. As some countries attempt to ease certain areas of the lockdown to pump some […]

India’s growing production powerhouse

Issues between the United States and China continue, however other countries can be forgiven for wondering why they should be considered as helpless bystanders as the worlds two main superpowers go head-to-head in a battle over which of them should attain or retain dominance in the global telecommunications business. Perhaps one of the most expected […]

Video Gaming Addiction - Will The Pandemic Cause A Rise In numbers?

Most of us are familiar with the more conventional forms of addiction – alcohol, substance abuse, gambling. But in the recent years a new type of addiction has been making headlines – gaming addiction, which has been recognized and acknowledged in the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). What is gaming addiction? Gaming […]

Saudi vision 2030 - helping to overcome COVID-19

A digital society, a digital economy, and a digital nation, this is what Saudi-Arabia will look like in 2030. Covid-19 has been affecting the oil sector in Saudi Arabia but it seems that the investment in technology has paid off its fight against the pandemic. On April 26, 2016, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has […]

Digital literacy support for seniors in society

Digital technology has become an integral part of what it means to fully participate in modern society. While most of us already struggle to keep up with advancing technology and tech trends, stop for minute and think how difficult it must be for older adults in our society. Their lack of understanding for the digital […]

Ecuador allocates temporary spectrum to cope with bandwidth demands

In the light of the current pandemic, Ecuador is one of many countries allocating additional spectrum to its operators to cope with the rising data capacity demands of online traffic. Ecuador’s Ministry of Telecommunication & Information Society (Mintel) has announced plans to temporarily allocate mobile spectrum to “improve service capacity and quality”. This follows a […]

Section 230 - A debate that may change the nature of the internet

“No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”. These are the 26 words that created the Internet. The section 230 of the Communications Decency Act that US President Donald Trump wants to change now. Trump’s War with […]