The 20th century office space is non-existent. Hand completed tasks and standing at the photocopier are now images of a previous era. The future of our office is now in the digital world. In July 2019, Amazon announced its plans to spend $700 million to train 100,000 workers in the US by 2025 and support […]
The European Parliament had a hearing which discussed a measure that would ensure smartphone manufacturers produced a common and standardized charger for all mobile devices that were sold in the European Union. This includes: Smartphones, tablets, eBooks and digital cameras. Three connectors are currently in common use: USB 2.0 Micro B (otherwise known as the […]
Has the development of tools and software really changed the way we are running our businesses? Or, is all this talk of a digital transformation just a way for companies to tap into our consumer weaknesses for fad technology. Whilst there is simply no denying the fact that we are witnessing a fascinating shift in […]
Both business and public attitude towards Facebook and Google’s use of private and sensitive data is growing increasingly negative. Despite a multitude of privacy scandals, both continue develop more products to harness and sell personal information for a profit. Rising technology startups are now creating user-friendly products integrated with heightened privacy features in areas like […]
Investments in digital transformation and innovation are expected to account for around 30% of all IT related spending in the META (Middle East, Turkey and Africa) region by 2024; up from 18% in 2018. This information comes from the latest analysis and predictions from the International Data Corporation (IDC) this week, as it hosted more […]
The annual World Economic Forum took place in Davos Switzerland this week, where a computer scientist – Professor Li, show cased his deepfake installation. Much the same as other deepfake installation software, his creates computer-manipulated videos of other people – mainly people in the spotlight like politicians or celebrities – that are intended to look […]
For those who are not familiar with the term deep learning – this concept involves a more developed aspect of machine learning methods. It is related to algorithms inspired by the structure of the brain, to help construct artificial neural networks that involves multiple levels of representation. Deep learning explores artificial neural networks, using brain […]
Last year, the GSMA announced selected four mobile network operators, STC, Telenor, TELUS and Turkcell, as challenge leaders, to take part in the first GSMA Global AI Challenge. The Challenge investigated three specific areas: connectivity in rural areas, mobile energy efficiency and enhanced services in urban areas. The GSMA challenge is in partnership with The Alan […]
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is a fundamental support system of the internet. It is designed to exchange routing and reachability info among autonomous systems on the internet. This important tool is essential for network stability. Security vulnerabilities of BGP can lead to heightened attack risks that can impact our businesses and many aspects of society. […]
TV streaming services, have unequivocally changed our viewing habits. Technical advances have significantly improved connectivity and convenience and the world of streaming has enabled people to customize their viewing experience to suit their area of interest. In the recent years, the rise of Netflix and other services have enticed us into a binge-watching culture, enjoyed […]