
Top 15 Metaverse App Platforms to Join Now

There is a Metaverse app out there for almost anything you can think of. If it exists in Web2, it most likely has a Web3 counterpart in the works or on the market. The idea of “the metaverse” is becoming more and more well-known; the august 2022 issue of the renowned TIME magazine even has […]

The Importance of Individuality in Web3

Web 3 simply refers to the next version of the internet, which supports decentralized protocols and promises to lessen reliance on major tech firms, and grants ownership to the very people that use it. Having said that, how central is individuality in Web3? Web3, while still a vague concept, represents the read/write/own version of the […]

The Benefits of Blockchain in Fintech: Algorithmic Disruption

The financial sector has come to understand how revolutionary blockchain technology can be for increasing revenue, enhancing the end-user experience, streamlining the delivery process, increasing efficiency, and lowering business risk. Like any other sector in technology, fintech is ever developing. Every day, a number of new finance applications emerge that provide improved and innovative methods […]

What Are the Best Sports NFTs on the Market Right Now? 

On the blockchain, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) effectively serve as a means of proving ownership. They can store data from any digital object, including artwork and music files. In the world of sports and sports collectables, it is a ripe ground of the best sports NFTs to surface.  Ownership of NFTs may be confirmed via the […]

Future Scope of Blockchain Technology on all Fronts

Blockchain has already made its mark on the world. The cryptocurrency world has blockchain at its core, moving many industries forward and changing lives. This distributed ledger technology (DLT) might disrupt many carrier fields, but that doesn’t mean it won’t benefit many others. Blockchain is already finding its way to mainstream appeal, but when will […]

Do You Need VR for Metaverse Access?

Unless you have been under a rock for the last couple of years, you have most likely heard how the metaverse will bring about a new era of digital connectedness, virtual reality (VR) experiences, and e-commerce. With all that technology in mind, do you need VR for Metaverse access or to take part in the […]

Meta Horizon Worlds Current and Future State

Once known as Facebook, Meta set the metaverse as its primary goal. The promise to once roam the virtual realms and meet up with friends and colleagues to work or have fun was bold. Meta is yet to deliver on that promise. With the Meta Horizon Worlds, people can enter the virtual world and enjoy […]

Melania Trumps' NFT Collection Explained

Recently, Melania Trump revealed a unique NFT line. Despite the criticism the former first lady has gotten for entering the NFT industry, despite her lack of technical knowledge, Melania Trumps’ NFT collection is significant in the context of virtual tokens and crypto investment since it brings even more attention to this rapidly growing sector. All […]

How Many Metaverses are There? 

Can there be multiple metaverses? How many metaverses exist out there? Is it a single metaverse that combines many universes? As always, to answer any of these questions, we first have to get out definitions straight.   Defining the Metaverse  Everyone and their dog have a slightly different definition for the Metaverse, but it’s safe to […]

What Happened to NFTs? Are They Dying?

                             The non-fungible token (NFT) market has been facing many challenges lately. What happened to NFts?Since the January highs, the volume of daily NFT sales has fallen from just over $6 billion to only $850 million, almost a 90 percent decline. These […]