You’re Being Spied On

‘Your boss is spying on you!’ You might think that he or she is standing behind the door, listening to your conversations with your colleagues, or literally managing to ‘rent’ a human spy to collect data and monitor your work ethics and production.
Between two parties, where does digital trust lies?!
So, there is software that can monitor your ‘soft copy’ movements and track your work, and to improve your productivity as an employee without your consent. To reduce theft and fraud.
- WorkTime
- Hubstaff
- Teramind
- ActivTrak
They’re all tracking software for web browsing history, email, and chat communications, and even keystrokes and screenshots.
When ‘you’ as an employee start to feel spied on…
These are the steps you follow to protect yourself:
- Employees must be aware of their company’s monitoring policies and procedures.
- Watch your mouth! Just stick to how our parents and grandparents used to warn us: Count till 10, when you want to do something. The devices can record everything.
- You can protect and save yourself by such tools and techniques: Encryption and anonymization (to remove identifying information from something, such as computer data, so that the original source cannot be known.) By that you can protect your privacy!
A side note, but this time from me, don’t trust anyone in your office or your work ‘buddies’. Get your work done and go back to your home. And use work-related props for just professional reasons, don’t open your social media accounts or your personal emails or watch your movies on it.
It’s not a life coach session but … Watch out even from yourself!
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