Search results for "youtube"

Congressional letter blasts Facebook head for flawed algorithms

Two senior U.S. representatives blasted Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg, noting the platform’s content problems were “systemic” and require deep change beyond just moderation. “Perhaps no single entity is more responsible for the spread of dangerous conspiracy theories at scale or for inflaming anti-government grievance than the one that you started and that you oversee today […]

Newzoo’s Games Trends to Watch in 2021

As 2020 is finally drawing to a close, it’s time for us to turn the spotlight onto next year. In terms of trends, 2021 is shaping up to be a hugely positive year for the games market, which will start to return to normalcy after an exceptional growth period. In the coming weeks, we’ll publish […]

Birth of Autonomous Vehicles

Global transportation in general was one the main victims of the pandemic that has literally crippled this sector. Authorities in most countries have either shut down borders, or applied stringent conditions to limit private cars and public transport movement to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Faced with this dilemma, tech companies went back to […]

The gaming industry’s widespread success in the era of Covid-19

Gaming has changed significantly over the years; and massively so during the novel COVID-19 pandemic. Not many industries can look back at 2020, wipe the blood, sweat, and tears off their faces and say “okay, the worst is behind us.” Even less so, are the industries that didn’t just survive during a bustling year full […]

Game tech company Razor announces cyber-looking smart mask

Having spent an entire year living with the pandemic and grown accustomed to the safety precautions and routine, people want more than to just wear a mask for safety. Fashion designers and artists have been customizing masks for some time now, catering to those who wish to incorporate safety into their style, but not all […]

The year when smartphones dominated

The year 2020 will always be remembered as the year where the world’s population locked itself indoors to ward off COVID-19 pandemic. Last year will also be remembered as the year that smartphones became one of the few tools for communication, playing games, downloading apps and accessing news and information in most countries around the […]

From Zoom to Quibi, the tech winners and losers of 2020

We streamed, we Zoomed, we ordered groceries and houseplants online, we created virtual villages while navigating laptop shortages to work and learn from home. In many ways, 2020’s pandemic-induced isolation threw our dependence on technology into overdrive, snipping away at our real-life connections while bringing digital relationships to the fore. But for every life-changing Zoom, […]

The case for net neutrality

Humankind is slowly transcending into a new reality ushered in by the tidal wave of technological advancements that are developing on a day-to-day basis. The fifth generation of mobile networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), etc.…; these techs and their acronyms could easily fill an entire […]

Report: Social media manipulation affects even US senators

The conversation taking place on the verified social media accounts of two U.S. senators remained vulnerable to manipulation, even amid heightened scrutiny in the run up to the U.S. presidential election, an investigation by the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence found. Researchers from the center, a NATO-accredited research group based in Riga, Latvia, paid […]