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Pfizer and BioNTech develop vaccine candidate against COVID-19

U.S.-based biopharmaceutical company Pfizer announced Monday the initial analysis of their early Covid-19 vaccine trials that showed more than a 90 percent efficiency in preventing the disease among participants that had no evidence of prior infection. The Pfizer vaccine has been tested on a pool of 43,500 people across six different countries, while not raising […]

Apple unveils first Macs built to run more like iPhones

Apple is rolling out new Mac computers powered by the same kind of chips that run iPhones and iPads, a move aimed at making it easier for its most popular products to work together. For instance, Macs using the new chips will be able to run the same apps designed for the iPhone’s mobile operating […]

TelkomONE to become South Africa’s first streaming platform

South Africa’s telecom mobile operator, Telkom, has teamed up with the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) to launch a new streaming platform called TelkomONE. The unique partnership will stretch over a five-year period and is set to showcase the country’s most popular and on-demand TV programs as well as radio platforms all in one place. […]

Transforming Culture in the Kingdom: How ‘stc’ Focused on People to Compete in the Digital Age

Professors from The Stephen M. Ross School of Business  at the University of Michigan (Michigan Ross) published a study on stc Group’s successful transformation journey into the digital era. The study is titled “Transforming Culture in the Kingdom: How ‘stc’ Focused on People to Compete in the Digital Age.” In just six years after launching […]

The (relay) race is on for CSPs to capture 5G revenue

The most successful relay race teams don’t just have exceptional individual talents, they also bring out the best in one another, offer complementary skills, and execute as a cohesive group. As we look at the current and future opportunities surrounding 5G, CSPs need to take a similar ‘relay race’ approach to select the right team […]

SK telcos scramble to address unhappy 5G customers

As headlines worldwide boast the power and opportunities offered by the rollout of 5G networks, a different reality is being mirrored on the ground.  South Korea, the first country to introduce 5G and one which boasts the largest mobile network, is experiencing customer-related issues across the board due to poor quality, slow connections, and a […]

3 reasons why Covid-19 may not be kept under control

Cultural customs and etiquette In some cultures, people bow their heads lightly or give a subtle nod of acknowledgement when greeting someone. In other cultures of the world, two people may rub noses or greet by conventional handshake instead. Countries with more intimate greeting habits such as kissing cheeks, shaking hands or hugging increase risk […]

Japan's SoftBank back in the black as investments improve

Japanese technology company SoftBank Group Corp. said Monday it restored its profitability in the last quarter as its investments improved in value. The Tokyo-based company reported a 627 billion yen, or about $6.1 billion, profit in July-September, compared with a loss of 700 billion yen in the same quarter of 2019. SoftBank said its quarterly […]

IMO Reveals New Connectivity Products Portfolio

IMO, In My Opinion, is the connectivity brand of Verve Connect, who provide our customers with the most popular technology at affordable prices. IMO today reveal their new range of cutting-edge connectivity products, including fixed-line routers, wireless routers, and Mesh solutions. We are delighted to introduce IMO’s comprehensive fixed line broadband product offering, developed from […]