Search results for "internet data"

The unstoppable rise of wireless technologies

It comes as no surprise that wireless technologies and solutions have integrated into every fabric of human life as we know it, from shaping our relationships to our worldwide economies. And it’s only going to go up from here. According to a report published by Transparency Market Research (TMR), the global wireless connectivity market is […]

Security by design principles: shaping the future of IoT

The main difference between the Internet of Things (IoT) from the traditional Internet is people.  IoT doesn’t rely on human intervention and interaction to function, but rather does so using smart sensors that collect, communicate, analyze and act based on the information it’s processing, which opens waves of value toward businesses.  Simply put, more information […]

Charities must be defended against cybercrime

As technology, internet penetration, and digitization are on the rise with the rapid emergence of the fifth generation of mobile networks, it’s fair to say that almost anyone is susceptible to cyberattacks. Charity and non-profit organizations are no exception; with incidents including, funds being stolen, data breaches, phishing attacks, and criminals mimicking charity websites to […]

China determined to lead the line in technology & science innovation

China’s ruling Communist Party has drawn a roadmap that will take the country to the forefront of global innovation for the next decade, as it plans heavy investments within major technological and scientific projects. “The country will pursue innovation-driven development and implement a number of strategic projects in the fields of artificial intelligence, quantum information, […]

eSIMs will prove to be the biggest enabler for mass IoT

Years from now, 2020 will be remembered as the year that challenged the norm set forth by humanity for decades. Reality was altered, people were pushed indoors in attempts to shield themselves from the tidal spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. But while people took refuge indoors and economies were tested, the technology field prospered and […]

UAE’s Etisalat wins fastest mobile network operator award

UAE-based mobile operator Etisalat has been recognized to be the fastest mobile network operator in the world for 2020, according to Ookla, a global leader in fixed broadband and mobile network testing applications, data, and analysis. The telco has achieved download speeds of 115.89 Mbps and an overall ranking in the ‘Speed Score’ at 98.78 […]

IoT: The hidden costs of the always connected age

Homes are overflowing with connected devices. Everything from “smart” televisions, speakers, light bulbs, and even smart microwaves have surged in popularity in the past several years – with over 10 billion IoT devices expected to be in use worldwide this year. Many of these devices are always-on and always-connected, ready to be used at the […]

O2 expands 5G rollout in 100 UK towns & cities

UK operator O2 announced their fifth-generation network expansion plan that will cover over 100 UK towns and cities, a year after they had initially kicked off their 5G rollout.  While partnering with Nordic vendors Ericsson and Nokia for their 5G infrastructure, O2, which is owned by Spanish telco Telefonica, will allow existing customers a refresh […]

Healthcare cybersecurity on the rise, hackers close behind

Wherever there is technology, there is the risk of cyberattacks; and the healthcare industry is by no means an exception, especially since the global Covid-19 pandemic. A vast number of wide-ranging hacks and data breaches launched on hospitals and healthcare providers have drastically increased the industry’s investment within cybersecurity to protect not only their patients, […]

If Google's a monopoly, who is harmed by its market power?

Google has long defended itself against charges of monopoly by stressing that its products are free and that no one has to use them. And it’s avoided tough government scrutiny for years based in part on the idea that people searching the internet are not Google’s true customers. We’re its product. Advertisers are its real […]