How IoT Systems Work

All IoT systems, whether covering a household, industrial facility or smart farm complex, consist of four main components – sensors/devices, connection, data processing, and a user interface. Lets look at how IoT systems work and what each of its pieces entails. How an IoT System Actually Works As you can see from the previous chapter, […]

5G Security Features Merging With IoT

The 5G-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) is groundbreaking in terms of growth in effectiveness and capability. Even though some may argue that 5G is still in its young phases, others already hail and talk about 6G. The mobile networking system offers a lot of features that are not only useful for mobile communications only. 5G […]

Ericsson MEA - Accelerating MEA's Digital Transformation Through 5G

Multinational telecommunications company Ericsson has always been at the forefront of pioneering the journey to a more promising connected future. In the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region, the mogul is setting the needed foundation for fueling mobile connectivity across the region. Ericsson MEA President, Mr. Fadi Pharaon shares his insights with Inside Telecom on […]

IoT Smart Home Applications

The further technology goes, the deeper it sinks into your home. The IoT (Internet of Things) smart home applications automate everything in your house, from lighting to locks. The first proper home automation device, ECHO IV, was invented in 1966 by Westinghouse engineer Jim Sutherland and It was all uphill from there. IoT Smart Home […]

IoT Device Monitoring: Discover, Manage, and Monitor

Discovering, assessing, monitoring, and managing your connected devices is the process of monitoring your Internet of Things (IoT) inventory. IoT asset monitoring keeps you aware of any problems that may be influencing the functionalities of critical apps and services.  The speed at which modern businesses incorporate IoT devices into their IT strategy is astounding. By […]

The Dubai IoT Plan of the Future

A pioneering vision to promote satisfaction for all residents of Dubai through a continuous commitment to innovation driven by the endless possibilities delivered by the Internet of Things (IoT). Dubai’s IoT plan for the future is directing the city on an accelerated progressive path to realizing unprecedented advancements in the quality of life, service efficiency, frictionless experiences, […]

The Trinity of Future: 5G, Blockchain, and IoT

The futuristic league of 5G, Blockchain, and IoT will birth a balanced ecosystem, colliding telcos capabilities, IoT applications, and a cryptographic ledger to optimize business and daily functions. The mobile wireless network industry witnessed heavy alternations and developments throughout the years.  Developments that brought it to the advanced level it is in right now. Communication […]

4 applications of AIoT being used today

We are fast approaching an era in which smart machines and big data gathering capabilities become part and parcel of global industries. Applications of AIoT, Artificial Intelligence of Things, being used today can be seen in most high-income residential areas and big businesses. While not as widespread as it is touted to be, adoption is […]

How IoT and WoT are Related 

It is not clear to most how IoT and WoT are related as the words internet and web are often used interchangeably. However, they are not the same thing and have extremely different applications on different scales.  The internet of things (IoT), as we have covered extensively on Inside Telecom, refers to connected devices. Simply […]