
Limited progress made on closing the digital divide

Connectivity is a necessity when talking with friends and family, learning new things, launching a business and finding employment. Despite this, there are still approximately 3.8 billion people around the world who do not have access to faster or reliable internet. Facebook connectivity is now working with network operators, manufacturers and other partners in order […]

Japan to discuss comprehensive plan for 6G

Japan has started to work on devising a 6G strategy with the intent of rolling it out from 2030, as they look to make up for lost ground in their slow start in 5G. Firstly, let us be clear, that no one knows exactly what 6G is – but it is going to be faster, […]

10 tech things you should know today

1. Justin Bieber and Jack Dorsey may be among the 10 million MGM hotel guests whose personal information was posted to a hacking forum. MGM said it discovered the data breach last summer and notified customers who were impacted based on state laws.  2. Google’s users in the UK will no longer be protected by […]

Worldwide ICT spending to reach $4.3 trillion in 2020

The latest forecast from the International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that worldwide spending on information and communications technology (ICT) will reach around $4.3 trillion in 2020. This is an increase of 3.6% from 2019. Commercial and public sector spending on information technology (hardware, software and IT services), telecommunications services, and business services will account for […]

Technology’s transformative effects in 2020

Technology developments are giving rise to new use cases and even newer applications. As such, we will be able to see benefits and opportunities in this era of digital transformation, to meet the ever-growing needs of the ‘digitally savvy’ consumer. Inside Telecom takes a closer look at aspects of technology transforming our lives in 2020. […]

3 Analytics Trends That Are Redefining The Business World

Our digital world is giving rise to new ways of aggregating and interpreting complex data. Whilst some businesses choose to utilize and leverage advancing technologies, others are falling behind. Inside Telecom presents 3 analytics trends that are redefining the business world in 2020. 1. Augmented Analytics Recognized as an important tool to optimize decision making […]

Visual Search and how it became ‘a thing’

Visual Search and how it became a thing Keyword searches are the lifeline of E-commerce businesses but new technology is effecting how we search and prompting the industry to think outside of the written word – purely for the sake of efficiency. When looking for a smartphone or Roomba, a keyword is all that is […]

10 things in technology you need to know today

1. Founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg has suggested that big technology companies require more stringent regulation. In an open editorial released in the financial times, the technology giant’s leader indicated that the short term negative effect on profit may well be worth it in the future. 2. Nintendo could face limited supplies due […]

How to take back control of your data in 2020

Chief Operating Officer of Crown Sterling, Joseph Hopkins says “There’s hardly a week that goes by these days where we aren’t confronted about another data breach or critical data loss which impacts millions of people”. Such a statement has been made evident by the news reporting that agency, Equifax, will have to pay out $650 […]

Smartphone penetration growth in emerging markets

Smartphone continues to rise in the developing world. According to a GSMA report, by 2025, smartphone penetration will reach 80% globally. The countries contributing to the significant increase includes, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan. Consumer behavior is shifting and changing. 70% of smartphones will run on LTE, which reflects the dominant influence of the mobile internet […]