Search results for "ai tools"

Why should telecom operators and startups collaborate?

Many startups are at the epicenter of innovation, providing the world with news ideas, products and solutions that can be utilized across industry sectors. These young enterprises often provide consumer-relevant products/solutions that are strongly driven by technology. Telecom operators and startups collaboration has never made more sense in a time where the services of both […]

Technology’s transformative effects in 2020

Technology developments are giving rise to new use cases and even newer applications. As such, we will be able to see benefits and opportunities in this era of digital transformation, to meet the ever-growing needs of the ‘digitally savvy’ consumer. Inside Telecom takes a closer look at aspects of technology transforming our lives in 2020. […]

Spectrum, a catalytic component of the Middle East economy

The latest research by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), highlights that spectrum makes up 3.4% of GDP for the highest 20 ICT nations from a number of sources which include employment, non-oil revenue, technological adoption and investment deployment. The range of frequencies from 3 kilohertz (KHz) to 300 gigahertz (GHz) that carries radio signals and […]

Insider Q&A: Facebook VP of Messenger discusses privacy

By BARBARA ORTUTAY AP Technology Writer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — At Facebook, Stan Chudnovsky oversees the Messenger chat app that’s used by well over 1 billion people each month. He’s playing a key role in helping Facebook integrate that app with its other chat tools, WhatsApp and Instagram Direct. The massive project has already gotten […]

Screen time usage – facts and stats

Unsurprisingly, we spend a considerable amount of time glaring at our phones for a whole myriad of reasons. Our phones are the essential tools in keeping us connected, informed and productive. But, have you ever wondered how much time you spend switching between communication tools on your device? Sometimes a stressful day can be made […]

How can telcos improve their business performance in the digital era?

Telecom companies are now using customer analytics, network analytics, CLV, automation, and big data to improve their business performance. Operators need to look at numerous factors to enable the implementation of such tools which even then, requires continuous monitoring. Many telecom companies have reaped the benefits of going digital by increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and […]

Smart City IoT project to help transform lives of pupils

School children from Edinburgh in Scotland have been challenged to come up with creative ways of using new technologies to combat issues and help change their hometown into a Smart City as part of a unique partnership with local business and organisations. CityFibre, the City of Edinburgh Council, and the University of Edinburgh’s Data Education […]

Deepfake installation inspires curiosity and concern

The annual World Economic Forum took place in Davos Switzerland this week, where a computer scientist – Professor Li, show cased his deepfake installation. Much the same as other deepfake installation software, his creates computer-manipulated videos of other people – mainly people in the spotlight like politicians or celebrities – that are intended to look […]